Module type
Class type
val parse : Cstruct.t -> t option
parse cstruct
is certificate option
, the ASN.1 decoded certificate
or None
val cs_of_cert : t -> Cstruct.t
cs_of_cert certificate
is cstruct
, the ASN.1 encoded representation of the certificate
val cs_of_distinguished_name : distinguished_name -> Cstruct.t
cs_of_distinguished_name dn
is cstruct
, the ASN.1 encoded representation of the distinguished name dn
val parse_signing_request : Cstruct.t -> CA.signing_request option
parse_signing_request cstruct
is signing_request option
, the ASN.1 decoded cstruct
or None
val cs_of_signing_request : CA.signing_request -> Cstruct.t
cs_of_signing_request sr
is cstruct
, the ASN.1 encoded representation of the sr
val pkcs1_digest_info_of_cstruct :
Cstruct.t ->
(Nocrypto.Hash.hash * Cstruct.t) option
pkcs1_digest_info_of_cstruct data
is hash, signature option
, the hash and raw signature.
val pkcs1_digest_info_to_cstruct :
(Nocrypto.Hash.hash * Cstruct.t) ->
pkcs1_digest_info_to_cstruct (hash, signature)
is data
, the encoded hash and signature.
val rsa_public_to_cstruct : -> Cstruct.t
rsa_public_to_cstruct pk
is buffer
, the ASN.1 encoding of the given public key.
val rsa_public_of_cstruct : Cstruct.t -> option
rsa_public_of_cstruct buffer
is pubkey
, the public key of the ASN.1 encoded buffer.
val crl_to_cstruct : CRL.c -> Cstruct.t
crl_to_cstruct crl
is buffer
, the ASN.1 DER encoding of the given certificate revocation list.
val crl_of_cstruct : Cstruct.t -> CRL.c option
crl_of_cstruct buffer
is crl
, the certificate revocation list of the ASN.1 encoded buffer.
module Pem : sig ... end
Parser and unparser of PEM files