package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type result_code = [
  1. | `AdminLimitExceeded
  2. | `AffectsMultipleDSAs
  3. | `AliasDereferencingProblem
  4. | `AliasProblem
  5. | `AttributeOrValueExists
  6. | `AuthMethodNotSupported
  7. | `Busy
  8. | `CompareFalse
  9. | `CompareTrue
  10. | `ConfidentialityRequired
  11. | `ConstraintViolation
  12. | `EntryAlreadyExists
  13. | `InappropriateAuthentication
  14. | `InappropriateMatching
  15. | `InsufficientAccessRights
  16. | `InvalidAttributeSyntax
  17. | `InvalidCredentials
  18. | `InvalidDNSyntax
  19. | `LoopDetect
  20. | `NamingViolation
  21. | `NoSuchAttribute
  22. | `NoSuchObject
  23. | `NotAllowedOnNonLeaf
  24. | `NotAllowedOnRDN
  25. | `ObjectClassModsProhibited
  26. | `ObjectClassViolation
  27. | `OperationsError
  28. | `Other
  29. | `ProtocolError
  30. | `Referral
  31. | `SaslBindInProgress
  32. | `SizeLimitExceeded
  33. | `StrongAuthRequired
  34. | `Success
  35. | `TimeLimitExceeded
  36. | `Unavailable
  37. | `UnavailableCriticalExtension
  38. | `UndefinedAttributeType
  39. | `Unknown_code of int
  40. | `UnwillingToPerform
exception Timeout
exception LDAP_error of result_code * string
exception Auth_error of string
type tls_mode = [
  1. | `Disabled
  2. | `Immediate
  3. | `StartTLS
  4. | `StartTLS_if_possible
class type ldap_server = object ... end
val ldap_server : ?timeout:float -> ?peer_name:string -> ?tls_config:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) -> ?tls_mode:tls_mode -> Netsockaddr.socksymbol -> ldap_server
val ldap_server_of_url : ?timeout:float -> ?tls_config:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) -> ?tls_mode:tls_mode -> Neturl.url -> ldap_server
type bind_creds
val anon_bind_creds : bind_creds
val simple_bind_creds : dn:string -> pw:string -> bind_creds
val sasl_bind_creds : dn:string -> user:string -> authz:string -> creds:(string * string * (string * string) list) list -> params:(string * string * bool) list -> (module Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM) -> bind_creds
type ldap_connection
val close_e : ldap_connection -> unit Uq_engines.engine
val close : ldap_connection -> unit
val abort : ldap_connection -> unit
val conn_bind_e : ldap_connection -> bind_creds -> unit Uq_engines.engine
val conn_bind : ldap_connection -> bind_creds -> unit
val tls_session_props : ldap_connection -> Nettls_support.tls_session_props option
class type !'a ldap_result = object ... end
exception Notification of string ldap_result
type scope = [
  1. | `Base
  2. | `One
  3. | `Sub
type deref_aliases = [
  1. | `Always
  2. | `Finding_base_obj
  3. | `In_searching
  4. | `Never
type filter = [
  1. | `And of filter list
  2. | `Approx_match of string * string
  3. | `Equality_match of string * string
  4. | `Extensible_match of string option * string option * string * bool
  5. | `Greater_or_equal of string * string
  6. | `Less_or_equal of string * string
  7. | `Not of filter
  8. | `Or of filter list
  9. | `Present of string
  10. | `Substrings of string * string option * string list * string option
type search_result = [
  1. | `Entry of string * (string * string list) list
  2. | `Reference of string list
val search_e : ldap_connection -> base:string -> scope:scope -> deref_aliases:deref_aliases -> size_limit:int -> time_limit:int -> types_only:bool -> filter:filter -> attributes:string list -> unit -> search_result list ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val compare_e : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> attr:string -> value:string -> unit -> bool ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val compare : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> attr:string -> value:string -> unit -> bool ldap_result
val add_e : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> attributes:(string * string list) list -> unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val add : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> attributes:(string * string list) list -> unit -> unit ldap_result
val delete_e : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val delete : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> unit -> unit ldap_result
type operation = [
  1. | `Add
  2. | `Delete
  3. | `Replace
val modify_e : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> changes:(operation * (string * string list)) list -> unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val modify : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> changes:(operation * (string * string list)) list -> unit -> unit ldap_result
val modify_dn_e : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> new_rdn:string -> delete_old_rdn:bool -> new_superior:string option -> unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val modify_dn : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> new_rdn:string -> delete_old_rdn:bool -> new_superior:string option -> unit -> unit ldap_result
val modify_password_e : ldap_connection -> uid:string option -> old_pw:string option -> new_pw:string option -> unit -> string option ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
val modify_password : ldap_connection -> uid:string option -> old_pw:string option -> new_pw:string option -> unit -> string option ldap_result
val test_bind : ?proxy:Uq_engines.client_endpoint_connector -> ldap_server -> bind_creds -> bool
val retr_password_e : dn:string -> ldap_server -> bind_creds -> Unixqueue.event_system -> (string * string * (string * string) list) list Uq_engines.engine
val retr_password : dn:string -> ldap_server -> bind_creds -> (string * string * (string * string) list) list
module Debug : sig ... end

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