package vg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

PDF renderer.

Renders a sequence of renderables as a multi-page PDF 1.7 document. Each renderable defines a page of the document.

Bug reports. PDF being an insane standard, rendering abilities of PDF readers vary wildly. No rendering bug report for this renderer will be considered if it cannot be reproduced in the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Font resolution

Font resolution happens during the rendering of Vg.I.cut_glyphs images through the font callback given to the PDF rendering target. See Text rendering for more details.

type otf_font

The type for OpenType fonts.

val otf_font : string -> ([> `Otf of otf_font ], Otfm.error) Stdlib.result

otf_font bytes is an OpenType font from the OpenType byte serialization bytes.

type font = [
  1. | `Otf of otf_font
  2. | `Serif
  3. | `Sans
  4. | `Fixed
  5. | `Helvetica
  6. | `Times
  7. | `Courier

The type for font resolution results. Any case different from `Otf ends up using the PDF standard fonts. See Text rendering for details.

val font : Vg.font -> font

font is the default font resolver. Given a Vg.font f it performs the following resolutions according to value of

  • "Helvetica", returns `Sans
  • "Times", returns `Serif
  • "Courier", returns `Fixed
  • Any other, returns `Sans

See Text rendering for understanding what this entails.

PDF render targets

val target : ?font:(Vg.font -> font) -> ?xmp:string -> unit -> Vg.Vgr.dst_stored

target font xmp () is a PDF render target for rendering to the stored destination given to Vg.Vgr.create.

  • font is the font resolver, defaults to font, see Text rendering for details. Note that font results are cached by the renderer.
  • xmp is an optional UTF-8 encoded XML XMP metadata packet describing the PDF document (see ISO 16684-1 or the equivalent Adobe spec.). The convenience function Vg.Vgr.xmp can be used to generate a packet.

Multiple image. Multiple image render is supported. Each image defines a page of the resulting PDF file.

Text rendering

Text rendering depends on the way fonts are resolved by the function specified in the rendering target. Given a glyph cut:

Vg.I.cut_glyphs ~text ~blocks ~advances font glyphs

First, if the optional text and blocks arguments are specified, they are always used to map the rendered glyphs to text for PDF text extraction. Then the following happens according to the resolution of the font argument by the render target:

  • `Otf otf, the values in glyphs are glyph indexes of the OpenType font otf. If advances is specified these vectors are used to position the glyphs (e.g. you need to use this to perform kerning), otherwise the font's glyph advances, as found in otf, are used.
  • `Helvetica, uses one of the standard PDF font Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique according to font's Vg.Font.slant and Vg.Font.weight. The values in glyphs are glyph indexes representing the corresponding Unicode character (e.g. glyph index 0x20 is the glyph for character U+0020). The font supports glyph indexes for all the characters listed in the in the second column of this document which is all the Basic Latin block, the Latin-1 Supplement block without its control characters and some additional characters (those at rows 0x80-0x9F in that document). If a glyph index is not supported it is replaced by 0. If advances is specified these vectors are used to position the glyphs, otherwise the internal font's glyphs advances are used.
  • `Times, same as `Helvetica but uses one of the standard PDF font Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic or Times-BoldItalic.
  • `Courier, same as `Helvetica but uses one of the standard PDF font Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique.
  • `Sans is the same as `Helvetica except advances and glyphs are ignored. Instead the UTF-8 string text is used to generate a corresponding glyphs list, mapping supported characters as mentioned above to their corresponding glyph. Unsupported characters are mapped to glyph 0.
  • `Serif same as `Sans but uses the same fonts as `Times.
  • `Fixed same as `Sans but uses the same fonts as `Courier.

So what should be used ? In general clients should use a font resolution mechanism independent from Vg in order to get an OpenType font otf for font. Using this otf font is should compute, using again a mechanism independent from Vg, a glyph layout resulting in advances and glyphs to use with Vg.I.cut_glyphs and finally resolve font in the target with `Otf otf. This means that font resolution should:

  • Use `Otf otf whenever it is guaranteed that the glyph indexes in glyphs actually correspond to the glyph indexes of otf.
  • Use `Sans, `Serif or `Fixed whenever its is unable to resolve font to an appropriate otf, this may not result in the expected rendering but still at least show (the latin) part of the text.
  • Use `Helvetica, `Times or `Courier to perform glyph layout using PDF's standard fonts without having to embed the fonts in the PDF (the font metrics can be downloaded here). PDFs without embedded fonts are however not recommended.

Render warnings and limitations

The following render warnings are reported.

The following limitations should be taken into account:

  • Streams in the PDF files are currently uncompressed and fonts are embedded without subsetting which may result in large file sizes. This will be lifted in future versions of the library. Meanwhile if you need to reduce the size of generated PDFs you can pass them through cpdf or ghostscript.

    > cpdf -compress -o output.pdf input.pdf
    > gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

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