Module type
Class type
X.509v3 extensions
type key_usage = [
| `Digital_signature
| `Content_commitment
| `Key_encipherment
| `Data_encipherment
| `Key_agreement
| `Key_cert_sign
| `CRL_sign
| `Encipher_only
| `Decipher_only
The polymorphic variant of key usages.
supports_usage ~not_present certificate key_usage
is result
, whether the certificate
supports the given key_usage
(defaults to ~not_present
if the certificate does not contain a keyUsage extension).
type extended_key_usage = [
| `Any
| `Server_auth
| `Client_auth
| `Code_signing
| `Email_protection
| `Ipsec_end
| `Ipsec_tunnel
| `Ipsec_user
| `Time_stamping
| `Ocsp_signing
| `Other of Asn.oid
The polymorphic variant of extended key usages.
val supports_extended_usage :
?not_present:bool ->
t ->
extended_key_usage ->
supports_extended_usage ~not_present certificate
is result
, whether the certificate
supports the given extended_key_usage
(defaults to ~not_present
if the certificate does not contain an extendedKeyUsage extension.
val basic_constraints : t -> (bool * int option) option
basic_constraints cert
extracts the BasicConstraints extension, if present.
type general_name = [
| `Other of Asn.oid * string
| `Rfc_822 of string
| `DNS of string
| `X400_address of unit
| `Directory of distinguished_name
| `EDI_party of string option * string
| `URI of string
| `IP of Cstruct.t
| `Registered_id of Asn.oid
A list of general_name
s is the value of both subjectAltName and IssuerAltName extension.
type authority_key_id = Cstruct.t option * general_name list * Z.t option
The authority key identifier, as present in the Authority Key Identifier extension.
The private key usage period, as defined in RFC 3280.
type name_constraint = (general_name * int * int option) list
Name constraints, as defined in RFC 5280.
Certificate policies, the policy extension.
val unsupported : t -> Asn.OID.t -> (bool * Cstruct.t) option
unsupported cert oid
is None
if oid
is not present as extension, or Some (crit, data)
if an extension with oid
is present.
val subject_alt_names : t -> general_name list
Returns subject_alt_names
if extension if present, else []
type reason = [
| `Unused
| `Key_compromise
| `CA_compromise
| `Affiliation_changed
| `Superseded
| `Cessation_of_operation
| `Certificate_hold
| `Privilege_withdrawn
| `AA_compromise
Type of allowed revocation reasons for a given distribution point.
Distribution point name, either a full one using general names, or a relative one using a distinguished name.
type distribution_point =
distribution_point_name option
* reason list option
* distinguished_name option
Distribution point, consisting of an optional name, an optional list of allowed reasons, and an optional issuer.
val crl_distribution_points : t -> distribution_point list
Returns crl_distribution_points
if extension if present, else []
type reason_code = [
| `Unspecified
| `Key_compromise
| `CA_compromise
| `Affiliation_changed
| `Superseded
| `Cessation_of_operation
| `Certificate_hold
| `Remove_from_CRL
| `Privilege_withdrawn
| `AA_compromise
The reason of a revoked certificate.
type t = [
| `Unsupported of Asn.oid * Cstruct.t
| `Subject_alt_name of general_name list
| `Authority_key_id of authority_key_id
| `Subject_key_id of Cstruct.t
| `Issuer_alt_name of general_name list
| `Key_usage of key_usage list
| `Ext_key_usage of extended_key_usage list
| `Basic_constraints of bool * int option
| `CRL_number of int
| `Delta_CRL_indicator of int
| `Priv_key_period of priv_key_usage_period
| `Name_constraints of name_constraint * name_constraint
| `CRL_distribution_points of distribution_point list
| `Issuing_distribution_point of
distribution_point_name option
* bool
* bool
* reason list option
* bool
* bool
| `Freshest_CRL of distribution_point list
| `Reason of reason_code
| `Invalidity_date of Ptime.t
| `Certificate_issuer of general_name list
| `Policies of policy list
The polymorphic variant of X509v3 extensions.