package bap-std

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Logging event.

type level =
  1. | Debug
  2. | Info
  3. | Warning
  4. | Error
type info = {
  1. level : level;
  2. section : string;
  3. message : string;
type event +=
  1. | Message of info
val message : level -> section:string -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Core_kernel.format -> 'a

message level ~section fmt ... send a message of the specified level and section.

Do not use this function directly, instead include the instantiation of a Self functor, and use corresponding logging functions, e.g.,

            include Self()
            (* ... *)
            info "created some %s" "thing"
type event +=
  1. | Progress of {
    1. task : string;

      hierarchical task name

    2. note : string option;

      a short note

    3. stage : int option;

      entered stage

    4. total : int option;

      total number of stages

val progress : ?note:string -> ?stage:int -> ?total:int -> string -> unit

progress ?note ?stage ?total name sends a progress report. This function should be used by the main components only, while plugins should use the report_progress function from the Self() interface. All parameters defaults to None.


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