Module type
Class type
Statistics: random number generators, PDF and CDF functions, and hypothesis tests. The module also includes some basic statistical functions such as mean, variance, skew, and etc.
Randomisation functions
val shuffle : 'a array->'a array
shuffle x return a new array of the shuffled x.
val choose : 'a array->int ->'a array
choose x n draw n samples from x without replecement.
val sample : 'a array->int ->'a array
sample x n draw n samples from x with replacement.
Basic statistical functions
val sum : float array-> float
sum x returns the summation of the elements in x.
val mean : float array-> float
mean x returns the mean of the elements in x.
val var : ?mean:float ->float array-> float
var x returns the variance of elements in x.
val std : ?mean:float ->float array-> float
std x calculates the standard deviation of x.
val sem : ?mean:float ->float array-> float
sem x calculates the standard error of x, also referred to as standard error of the mean.
val absdev : ?mean:float ->float array-> float
absdev x calculates the average absolute deviation of x.
val skew : ?mean:float ->?sd:float ->float array-> float
skew x calculates the skewness (the third standardized moment) of x.
val kurtosis : ?mean:float ->?sd:float ->float array-> float
kurtosis x calculates the Pearson's kurtosis of x, i.e. the fourth standardized moment of x.
val central_moment : int ->float array-> float
central_moment n x calculates the n th central moment of x.
val cov : ?m0:float ->?m1:float ->float array->float array-> float
cov x0 x1 calculates the covariance of x0 and x1, the mean of x0 and x1 can be specified by m0 and m1 respectively.
val concordant : 'a array->'b array-> int
val discordant : 'a array->'b array-> int
val corrcoef : float array->float array-> float
corrcoef x y calculates the Pearson correlation of x and y. Namely, corrcoef x y = cov(x, y) / (sigma_x * sigma_y).
val kendall_tau : float array->float array-> float
kendall_tau x y calculates the Kendall Tau correlation between x and y.
val spearman_rho : float array->float array-> float
spearman_rho x y calculates the Spearman Rho correlation between x and y.
val autocorrelation : ?lag:int ->float array-> float
autocorrelation ~lag x calculates the autocorrelation of x with the given lag.
val percentile : float array->float -> float
percentile x p returns the p percentile of the data x. p is between 0. and 100. x does not need to be sorted beforehand.
val quantile : float array->float -> float
quantile x p returns the p quantile of the data x. x does not need to be sorted beforehand. When computing several quantiles on the same data, it is more efficient to "pre-apply" the function, as in ``let f = quantile x in List.map f 0.1 ; 0.5 ``, in which case the data is sorted only once.
if p is not between 0 and 1.
val first_quartile : float array-> float
first_quartile x returns the first quartile of x, i.e. 25 percentiles.
val third_quartile : float array-> float
third_quartile x returns the third quartile of x, i.e. 75 percentiles.
val interquartile : float array-> float
interquartile x returns the interquartile range of x which is defined as the first quartile subtracted from the third quartile.
val median : float array-> float
median x returns the median of x.
val min : float array-> float
min x returns the minimum element in x.
val max : float array-> float
max x returns the maximum element in x.
val minmax : float array-> float * float
minmax x returns both (minimum, maximum) elements in x.
val min_i : float array-> int
min_i x returns the index of the minimum in x.
val max_i : float array-> int
max_i x returns the index of the maximum in x.
val minmax_i : float array-> int * int
minmax_i x returns the indices of both minimum and maximum in x.
val sort : ?inc:bool ->float array->float array
sort x sorts the elements in the x in increasing order if inc = true, otherwise in decreasing order if inc=false. By default, inc is true. Note a copy is returned, the original data is not modified.
val argsort : ?inc:bool ->float array->int array
argsort x sorts the elements in x and returns the indices mapping of the elements in the current array to their original position in x.
The sorting is in increasing order if inc = true, otherwise in decreasing order if inc=false. By default, inc is true.
The ranking order is from the smallest one to the largest. For example rank [|54.; 74.; 55.; 86.; 56.|] returns [|1.; 4.; 2.; 5.; 3.|]. Note that the ranking starts with one!
ties_strategy controls which ranks are assigned to equal values:
Average the mean of ranks should be assigned to each value. Default.
Min the minimum of ranks is assigned to each value.
Max the maximum of ranks is assigned to each value.
Type for computed histograms, with optional weighted counts and normalized counts.
val histogram :
[ `Bins of float array| `N of int ]->?weights:float array->float array->histogram
histogram bins x creates a histogram from values in x. If bins matches `N n it will construct n equally spaced bins from the minimum to the maximum in x. If bins matches `Bins b, b is taken as the sorted array of boundaries of adjacent bin intervals. Bin boundaries are taken as left-inclusive, right-exclusive, except for the last bin which is also right-inclusive. Values outside the bins are dropped silently.
histogram bins ~weights x creates a weighted histogram with the given weights which must match x in length. The bare counts are also provided.
Returns a histogram including the n+1 bin boundaries, n counts and weighted counts if applicable, but without normalisation.
val histogram_sorted :
[ `Bins of float array| `N of int ]->?weights:float array->float array->histogram
histogram_sorted bins x is like histogram but assumes that x is sorted already. This increases efficiency if there are less bins than data. Undefined results if x is not in fact sorted.
normalize hist calculates a probability mass function using hist.weighted_counts if present, otherwise using hist.counts. The result is stored in the normalised_counts field and sums to one.
normalize_density hist calculates a probability density function using hist.weighted_counts if present, otherwise using hist.counts. The result is normalized as a density that is piecewise constant over the bin intervals. That is, the sum over density times corresponding bin width is one. If bins are infinitely wide, their density is 0 and the sum over width times density of all finite bins is the total weight in the finite bins. The result is stored in the density field.
val pp_hist : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->histogram-> unit
Pretty-print summary information on a histogram record
val ecdf : float array->float array * float array
ecdf x returns (x',f) which are the empirical cumulative distribution function f of x at points x'. x' is just x sorted in increasing order with duplicates removed. The function does not support nan values in the array x.
val z_score : mu:float ->sigma:float ->float array->float array
z_score x calculates the z score of a given array x.
val t_score : float array->float array
t_score x calculates the t score of a given array x.
val normlise_pdf : float array->float array
val tukey_fences : ?k:float ->float array-> float * float
tukey_fences ?k x returns a tuple of the lower and upper boundaries for values that are not outliers. k defaults to the standard coefficient of 1.5. For first and third quartiles Q1 and `Q3`, the range is computed as follows:
gaussian_kde x is a Gaussian kernel density estimator. The estimation of the pdf runs in `O(sample_size * n_points)`, and returns an array tuple (a, b) where a is a uniformly spaced points from the sample range at which the density function was estimated, and b is the estimates at these points.
Bandwidth selection rules is as follows: * Silverman: use `rule-of-thumb` for choosing the bandwidth. It defaults to 0.9 * min(SD, IQR / 1.34) * n^-0.2. * Scott: same as Silverman, but with a factor, equal to 1.06.
The default bandwidth value is Scott.
MCMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
val metropolis_hastings :
(float array-> float)->float array->int ->float array array
TODO: metropolis_hastings f p n is Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm. f is pdf of the p
TODO: gibbs_sampling f p n is Gibbs sampler. f is a sampler based on the full conditional function of all variables
Hypothesis tests
type hypothesis = {
reject : bool;
p_value : float;
score : float;
Record type contains the result of a hypothesis test.
type tail =
| BothSide
| RightSide
| LeftSide
Types of alternative hypothesis tests: one-side, left-side, or right-side.
val pp_hypothesis : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->hypothesis-> unit
Pretty printer of hypothesis type
val z_test :
mu:float ->sigma:float ->?alpha:float ->?side:tail->float array->hypothesis
z_test ~mu ~sigma ~alpha ~side x returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data x comes from a normal distribution with mean mu and a standard deviation sigma, using the z-test of alpha significance level. The alternative hypothesis is that the mean is not mu.
The result (h,p,z) : h is true if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the alpha significance level, and false otherwise. p is the p-value and z is the z-score.
val t_test :
mu:float ->?alpha:float ->?side:tail->float array->hypothesis
t_test ~mu ~alpha ~side x returns a test decision of one-sample t-test which is a parametric test of the location parameter when the population standard deviation is unknown. mu is population mean, alpha is the significance level.
val t_test_paired :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->float array->float array->hypothesis
t_test_paired ~alpha ~side x y returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in x – y comes from a normal distribution with mean equal to zero and unknown variance, using the paired-sample t-test.
val t_test_unpaired :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->?equal_var:bool ->float array->float array->hypothesis
t_test_unpaired ~alpha ~side ~equal_var x y returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in vectors x and y comes from independent random samples from normal distributions with equal means and equal but unknown variances, using the two-sample t-test. The alternative hypothesis is that the data in x and y comes from populations with unequal means.
equal_var indicates whether two samples have the same variance. If the two variances are not the same, the test is referred to as Welche's t-test.
val ks_test : ?alpha:float ->float array->(float -> float)->hypothesis
ks_test ~alpha x f returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in vector x comes from independent random samples of the distribution with CDF f. The alternative hypothesis is that the data in x comes from a different distribution.
The result (h,p,d) : h is true if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the alpha significance level, and false otherwise. p is the p-value and d is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.
val ks2_test : ?alpha:float ->float array->float array->hypothesis
ks2_test ~alpha x y returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in vectors x and y come from independent random samples of the same distribution. The alternative hypothesis is that the data in x and y are sampled from different distributions.
The result (h,p,d): h is true if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the alpha significance level, and false otherwise. p is the p-value and d is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.
val var_test :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->variance:float ->float array->hypothesis
var_test ~alpha ~side ~variance x returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data in x comes from a normal distribution with input variance, using the chi-square variance test. The alternative hypothesis is that x comes from a normal distribution with a different variance.
val jb_test : ?alpha:float ->float array->hypothesis
jb_test ~alpha x returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data x comes from a normal distribution with an unknown mean and variance, using the Jarque-Bera test.
val fisher_test :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->int ->int ->int ->int ->hypothesis
fisher_test ~alpha ~side a b c d fisher's exact test for contingency table | a, b | | c, d |
The result (h,p,z) : h is true if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the alpha significance level, and false otherwise. p is the p-value and z is prior odds ratio.
val runs_test :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->?v:float ->float array->hypothesis
runs_test ~alpha ~v x returns a test decision for the null hypothesis that the data x comes in random order, against the alternative that they do not, by running Wald–Wolfowitz runs test. The test is based on the number of runs of consecutive values above or below the mean of x. ~v is the reference value, the default value is the median of x.
val mannwhitneyu :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->float array->float array->hypothesis
mannwhitneyu ~alpha ~side x y Computes the Mann-Whitney rank test on samples x and y. If length of each sample less than 10 and no ties, then using exact test (see paper Ying Kuen Cheung and Jerome H. Klotz (1997) The Mann Whitney Wilcoxon distribution using linked list Statistica Sinica 7 805-813), else usning asymptotic normal distribution.
val wilcoxon :
?alpha:float ->?side:tail->float array->float array->hypothesis
Discrete random variables
The _rvs functions generate random numbers according to the specified distribution. _pdf are "density" functions that return the probability of the element specified by the arguments, while _cdf functions are cumulative distribution functions that return the probability of all elements less than or equal to the chosen element, and _sf functions are survival functions returning one minus the corresponding CDF function. `log` versions of functions return the result for the natural logarithm of a chosen element.
val uniform_int_rvs : a:int ->b:int -> int
uniform_rvs ~a ~b returns a random uniformly distributed integer between a and b, inclusive.
val binomial_rvs : p:float ->n:int -> int
binomial_rvs p n returns a random integer representing the number of successes in n trials with probability of success p on each trial.
val binomial_pdf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_pdf k ~p ~n returns the binomially distributed probability of k successes in n trials with probability p of success on each trial.
val binomial_logpdf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_logpdf k ~p ~n returns the log-binomially distributed probability of k successes in n trials with probability p of success on each trial.
val binomial_cdf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_cdf k ~p ~n returns the binomially distributed cumulative probability of less than or equal to k successes in n trials, with probability p on each trial.
val binomial_logcdf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_logcdf k ~p ~n returns the log-binomially distributed cumulative probability of less than or equal to k successes in n trials, with probability p on each trial.
val binomial_sf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_sf k ~p ~n is the binomial survival function, i.e. 1 - (binomial_cdf k ~p ~n).
val binomial_logsf : int ->p:float ->n:int -> float
binomial_loggf k ~p ~n is the logbinomial survival function, i.e. 1 - (binomial_logcdf k ~p ~n).
val hypergeometric_rvs : good:int ->bad:int ->sample:int -> int
hypergeometric_rvs ~good ~bad ~sample returns a random hypergeometrically distributed integer representing the number of successes in a sample (without replacement) of size ~sample from a population with ~good successful elements and ~bad unsuccessful elements.
val hypergeometric_pdf : int ->good:int ->bad:int ->sample:int -> float
hypergeometric_pdf k ~good ~bad ~sample returns the hypergeometrically distributed probability of k successes in a sample (without replacement) of ~sample elements from a population containing ~good successful elements and ~bad unsuccessful ones.
val hypergeometric_logpdf : int ->good:int ->bad:int ->sample:int -> float
hypergeometric_logpdf k ~good ~bad ~sample returns a value equivalent to a log-transformed result from hypergeometric_pdf.
val multinomial_rvs : int ->p:float array->int array
multinomial_rvs n ~p generates random numbers of multinomial distribution from n trials. The probability mass function is as follows.
p is the probability mass of k categories. The elements in p should all be positive (result is undefined if there are negative values), but they don't need to sum to 1: the result is the same whether or not p is normalized. For implementation details, refer to :cite:`davis1993computer`.
val multinomial_pdf : int array->p:float array-> float
multinomial_rvs x ~p return the probability of x given the probability mass of a multinomial distribution.
val multinomial_logpdf : int array->p:float array-> float
multinomial_rvs x ~p returns the logarithm probability of x given the probability mass of a multinomial distribution.
val categorical_rvs : float array-> int
categorical_rvs p returns the value of a random variable which follows the categorical distribution. This is equavalent to only one trial from multinomial_rvs function, so it is just a simple wrapping.
Continuous random variables
val std_uniform_rvs : unit -> float
val uniform_rvs : a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_pdf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_logpdf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_cdf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_logcdf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_ppf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_sf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_logsf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val uniform_isf : float ->a:float ->b:float -> float
val exponential_rvs : lambda:float -> float
val exponential_pdf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_logpdf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_cdf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_logcdf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_ppf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_sf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_logsf : float ->lambda:float -> float
val exponential_isf : float ->lambda:float -> float