package tezos-crypto-dal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Cryptobox_intf.COMMITMENT with type t = commitment
type t = commitment

Commitment to a polynomial.

val encoding : t Data_encoding.t

An encoding for a commitment.

val to_b58check : t -> string

to_b58check commitment returns a b58 representation of commitment.

val of_b58check_opt : string -> t option

of_b58check_opt bytes computes a commitment from its b58 representation. Returns None if it is not a valid representation.

val of_b58check : string -> t Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult

of_b58check bytes computes a commitment from its b58 representation. Returns Error _ if it is not a valid representation.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val zero : t
val rpc_arg : commitment Resto.Arg.t

Innovation. Community. Security.