package yuujinchou

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The signature of scoping effects.

module Param : sig ... end

A scope inherently has two namespaces: a visible namespace that dictates what's visible, and an export namespace recording all the names that will be exported.

Types of Effect Handlers

type not_found_handler = Param.context option -> Trie.bwd_path -> unit

The type of a handler of the Modifier.S.Perform.not_found effect.

type shadow_handler = Param.context option -> Trie.bwd_path -> ( * Param.tag) -> ( * Param.tag) -> * Param.tag

The type of a handler of the Modifier.S.Perform.shadow effect.

The type of a handler of the Modifier.S.Perform.hook effect.


exception Locked

The exception Locked is raised when an operation on a scope starts before another operation on the same scope is finished. This could happen when the user, for example, calls modify_visible and then calls modify_export when handling the effects.

The principle is that one should not access any scope in its intermediate states, including looking up a name via resolve. Any attempt to do so will raise the exception Locked; the exception Locked signals a serious programming error.

Note: section only locks the parent scope; the child scope is initially unlocked.

Name Resolution

val resolve : Trie.path -> ( * Param.tag) option

resolve p looks up the name p in the visible namespace and returns the data associated with the binding.

Inclusion of New Names

Inclusion affects both visible and export namespaces, just like include in OCaml.

val include_singleton : ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> (Trie.path * ( * Param.tag)) -> unit

include_singleton (p, x) adds a new binding to both the visible and export namespaces, where the binding is associating the data x to the path p. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect shadow. include_singleton (p, x) is equivalent to include_subtree Trie.(singleton (p, x)), but potentially more efficient.

When implementing an OCaml-like language, this is how one can introduce a top-level definition let p = x.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the export namespace.

val include_subtree : ?context_modifier:Param.context -> ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> ?modifier:Param.hook Language.t -> (Trie.path * (, Param.tag) Trie.t) -> unit

include_subtree (p, ns) merges the namespace ns prefixed with p into both the visible and export namespaces. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect shadow.

This feature is useful for introducing multiple top-level definitions at once.

  • parameter context_modifier

    The context of modifier effects when applying modifier.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the export namespace.

  • parameter modifier

    The modifier applied to the subtree before importing it. The default value is

Importing of New Names

Importing affects only the visible namespace, just like open in OCaml.

val import_singleton : ?context_visible:Param.context -> (Trie.path * ( * Param.tag)) -> unit

import_singleton (p, x) adds a new binding to the visible namespace (while keeping the export namespace intact), where the binding is associating the data x to the path p. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect shadow. import_singleton (p, x) is equivalent to import_subtree Trie.(singleton (p, x)), but potentially more efficient.

When implementing an OCaml-like language, one can implement the local binding let p = x in e as follows:

section [] @@ fun () ->
import_singleton (p, x);
(* code for handling the expression [e] *)
  • parameter context_visible

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the visible namespace.

  • since 5.0.0
val import_subtree : ?context_modifier:Param.context -> ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?modifier:Param.hook Language.t -> (Trie.path * (, Param.tag) Trie.t) -> unit

import_subtree (p, ns) merges the namespace ns prefixed with p into the visible namespace (while keeping the export namespace intact). Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect Mod.Shadowing.

When implementing an OCaml-like language, one can import content from other compilation units using import_subtree.

  • parameter context_modifier

    The context of modifier effects when applying modifier.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the visible namespace.

  • parameter modifier

    The modifier applied to the subtree before importing it. The default value is

Modifying Namespaces

val modify_visible : ?context_visible:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

modify_visible m modifies the visible namespace by running the modifier m on it, using the internal modifier engine.

When implementing an OCaml-like language, one can implement open M as follows:

modify_visible Language.(union [seq []; only ["M"]])

When implementing an OCaml-like language, one can implement include M as follows:

export_visible Language.(only ["M"]);
modify_visible Language.(union [seq []; only ["M"]])
  • parameter context

    The context of modifier effects.

val modify_export : ?context_export:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

modify_visible m modifies the export namespace by running the modifier m on it, using the internal modifier engine.

  • parameter context_export

    The context of modifier effects.

Exporting Names

val export_visible : ?context_modifier:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

export_visible m runs the modifier m on the visible namespace, and then merge the result into the export namespace. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect Mod.Shadowing.

This feature is useful for implementing a userspace export statement. It does not exist in OCaml-like languages.

  • parameter context_modifier

    The context of modifier effects when applying the modifier m.

  • parameter context_export

    The context of modifier effects when merging the subtree into the export namespace.

val get_export : unit -> (, Param.tag) Trie.t

get_export () returns the export namespace of the current scope.

This is useful for obtaining all exported content when wrapping up a compilation unit. The section function internally calls get_export when wrapping up a child scope, but an implementer is expected to call get_export for the outermost scope. The outermost scope is special because it is the interface of the entire compilation unit and its ending often triggers special handling code (e.g., caching of declared names for faster scope checking).


val section : ?context_modifier:Param.context -> ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> ?modifier:Param.hook Language.t -> Trie.path -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

section p f starts a new scope and runs the thunk f within the scope. The child scope inherits the visible namespace from the parent, and its export namespace will be prefixed with p and merged into both the visible and export namespaces of the parent scope.

A section is similar to a section in Coq or a module in Agda (but not a module in OCaml). This can be used to implement local bindings as well; a local binding is a private definition in a section. For example, in an OCaml-like languages augmented with sections,

let y = let x = 1 in x

is equivalent to

section {
  private let x = 1
  let y = x
} // this section exports y but not x
  • parameter context_modifier

    The context of modifier effects when applying modifier to the content of the section before the merging.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context of modifier effects when merging the content of the section into its parent's visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context of modifier effects when merging the content of the section into its parent's export namespace.

  • parameter modifier

    The modifier applied to the content of the section before the merging. The default value is


module type Perform = sig ... end

The signature of a module implementing all effect handlers for a lexical scope.

module Perform : Perform

The handlers that (re-)perform effects.

module Silence : Perform

The handlers that silence effects. All the triggers actually do nothing.

val run : ?not_found:not_found_handler -> ?shadow:shadow_handler -> ?hook:hook_handler -> ?export_prefix:Trie.bwd_path -> ?init_visible:(, Param.tag) Trie.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

run ~not_found ~shadow ~hook f initializes a scope and executes the thunk f, using h to handle modifier effects.

  • parameter export_prefix

    The additional global prefix prepended to the paths reported to effect handlers originating from export namespaces. The default is the empty path (Emp). This does not affect paths originating from visible namespaces.

  • parameter init_visible

    The initial visible namespace. The default is the empty namespace.

val try_with : ?not_found:not_found_handler -> ?shadow:shadow_handler -> ?hook:hook_handler -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Execute the code and handles the internal modifier effects.

try_with is intended to be used within run to intercept or reperform internal effects, while run is intended to be at the top-level to set up the environment and handle all effects by itself. For example, the following function silences the Mod.Shadow effects, but the silencing function should be used within the dynamic scope of a run. See also Yuujinchou.Modifier.S.try_with.

let silence_shadow f =
  try_with ~shadow:Silence.shadow f

A consequence of the semantic difference between run and try_with is that run starts a fresh empty scope while try_with stays in the current scope.


val register_printer : ([ `NotFound of Param.context option * Trie.bwd_path | `Shadow of Param.context option * Trie.bwd_path * ( * Param.tag) * ( * Param.tag) | `Hook of Param.context option * Trie.bwd_path * Param.hook * (, Param.tag) Trie.t ] -> string option) -> unit

register_printer f registers a printer p via Printexc.register_printer to convert unhandled internal effects into strings for the OCaml runtime system to display. See Yuujinchou.Modifier.S.register_printer.

  • since 5.1.0

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