package yuujinchou

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The functor to generate a module for scoping effects.


module Param : Param


module type Handler = sig ... end
exception Locked

The exception Locked is raised when an operation on a scope starts before another operation on the same scope is finished. This could happen when the user, for example, calls modify_visible and then calls modify_export when handling the effects.

The principle is that one should not access any scope in its intermediate states, including looking up a name via resolve. Any attempt to do so will raise the exception Locked.

Note: section only locks the parent scope; the child scope is initially unlocked.


val resolve : Trie.path -> ( * Param.tag) option

resolve p looks up the name p in the current scope and return the data associated with the binding.

val include_singleton : ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> (Trie.path * ( * Param.tag)) -> unit

include_singleton (p, x) adds a new binding to both the visible and export namespaces, where the binding is associating the data x to the path p. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect shadow.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context attached to the modifier effects when manipulating the visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context attached to the modifier effects when manipulating the export namespace.

val include_subtree : ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> (Trie.path * (, Param.tag) Trie.t) -> unit

include_subtree (p, ns) merges the namespace ns prefixed with p into both the visible and export namespaces. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect shadow.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context attached to the modifier effects when manipulating the visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context attached to the modifier effects when manipulating the export namespace.

val import_subtree : ?context:Param.context -> (Trie.path * (, Param.tag) Trie.t) -> unit

include_subtree (p, ns) merges the namespace ns prefixed with p into the visible namespace (while keeping the export namespace intact). Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect Mod.Shadowing.

  • parameter context

    The context attached to the modifier effects.

val modify_visible : ?context:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

modify_visible m modifies the visible namespace by running the modifier m on it, using the internal modifier engine.

  • parameter context

    The context attached to the modifier effects.

val modify_export : ?context:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

modify_visible m modifies the export namespace by running the modifier m on it, using the internal modifier engine.

  • parameter context

    The context attached to the modifier effects.

Call the internal modifier engine directly on some trie. See Modifier.S.modify.

This will not lock the current scope.

val export_visible : ?context:Param.context -> Param.hook Language.t -> unit

export_visible m runs the modifier m on the visible namespace, and then merge the result into the export namespace. Conflicting names during the final merge will trigger the effect Mod.Shadowing.

  • parameter context

    The context attached to the modifier effects.

val get_export : unit -> (, Param.tag) Trie.t

get_export () returns the export namespace of the current scope.


val section : ?context_visible:Param.context -> ?context_export:Param.context -> Trie.path -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

section p f starts a new scope and runs the thunk f within the scope. The child scope inherits the visible namespace from the parent, and its export namespace will be prefixed with p and merged into both the visible and export namespaces of the parent scope.

  • parameter context_visible

    The context attached to the modifier effects when merging the content of the section into its parent's visible namespace.

  • parameter context_export

    The context attached to the modifier effects when merging the content of the section into its parent's export namespace.


module Run (H : Handler) : sig ... end
module Perform : Handler

A handler that reperforms the internal modifier effects. See Modifier.S.Perform.


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