package yocaml_yaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Plugin for describing metadata with Yaml, based on the Yaml package.

type t = Yaml.value

The type that describes the data provider

Reading file with metadata

Just as the Yocaml package describes a low-level interface for propagating effects, the Yocaml.Eff module, and an interface for composing arrows, via the Yocaml.Pipeline module, the plugin describes two sub-modules to serve the same needs.

module Eff : sig ... end

Describes the low-level interface for reading a file and parsing its metadata described by the type t.

module Pipeline : sig ... end

Describes the arrowized interface for reading a file and parsing its metadata.

Data Provider

As it is possible to describe metadata as a Data_provider.

val from_string : string -> (t, Yocaml.Required.provider_error) Stdlib.result

Produces a type t value from a string.

val normalize : t -> Yocaml.Data.t

Converts a value of type t into a value of type Yocaml.Data.t.


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