package yocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A Nel, for Non Empty List, is a list that ensures it has at least one element, which is very useful for describing, for example, error lists, where if there is an error, we ensure that there is at least one error.


type 'a t =
  1. | :: of 'a * 'a list

A non-empty list is nothing more than a pair of a value and a list.

Creating lists

val singleton : 'a -> 'a t

singleton x constructs a list with one element.

val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

cons x xs constructs a non-empty list whose head is x and whose tail is xs.

val init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a t

init len f is f 0; f 1; ...; f (len-1), evaluated left to right.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if len < 1.

val from_list : 'a list -> 'a t option

from_list l convert a regular list to a non-empty one, if the given list is empty the function returns None.

val from_seq : 'a Stdlib.Seq.t -> 'a t option

from_seq l convert a regular seq to a non-empty one, if the given seq is empty the function returns None.


val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list

to_list nel Converts a non-empty list into a regular list.

val to_seq : 'a t -> 'a Stdlib.Seq.t

to_seq nel Converts a non-empty list into a sequence.

Fact about size

val length : 'a t -> int

length nel returns the list of the non-empty list.

val is_singleton : 'a t -> bool

is_singleton x returns true if the non-empty list has just one element, false otherwise.

Misc functions

val hd : 'a t -> 'a

hd nel returns the head of the non-empty list. Since the list can't be empty, the function never fail.

val tl : 'a t -> 'a list

tl nel returns the tail of the non-empty list. Since the list can't be empty, the function never fail.

val rev : 'a t -> 'a t

rev nel reverse the non-empty-list.

val rev_append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

rev_append nel1 nelt2 reverses nel1 and concatenates it with nel2. This is equivalent to (Nel.rev nel1) @ nel2.

val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

append nel1 nel2 is the concatenation of nel1 and nel2.

val concat : 'a t t -> 'a t

concat nel Concatenate a non-empty list of non-empty lists. The elements of the argument are all concatenated together (in the same order) to give the result.


val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

iter f nel applies f on each element of nel.

val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit

iteri f nel same as iter but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

map f nel build a new non-empty list applying f on each element of the non-empty list.

val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

mapi f nel same as map but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

val rev_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

rev_map f nel is a more efficient way of making Nel.(rev (map f nel)).

val rev_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

rev_mapi f nel same as rev_map but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

val concat_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t

concat_map f nel is Nel.concat ( f nel).

val flat_map : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t

flat_map f nel same as concat_map (present for convention reason).

val concat_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t

concat_mapi f nel same as concat_map but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

val fold_left : ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'acc

fold_left reducer default nel is fold_left f init [b1; ...; bn] is f (... (f (f init b1) b2) ...) bn.

val fold_lefti : (int -> 'acc -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'acc

fold_lefti f default nel same as fold_left but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

val fold_right : ('a -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'a t -> 'acc -> 'acc

fold_right f nel default is fold_right f [a1; ...; an] init is f a1 (f a2 (... (f an init) ...)).

val fold_righti : (int -> 'a -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'a t -> 'acc -> 'acc

fold_righti f nel default same as fold_right but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument.

Prettty-printers and equality

val pp : ?pp_sep:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit

Pretty-printer based on Format.pp_print_list.

val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool

Equality between non-empty lists.


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