package xtmpl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Attributes = Xml.Name_map
type attr_value = X.tree list
type data
val compare_name : Attributes.key -> Attributes.key -> int
val compare_attr_value : attr_value -> attr_value -> int
val compare_data : data -> data -> int
val default_data : unit -> data
val version_name : unit -> Attributes.key
val default_version : unit -> attr_value
val default_attr_value : unit -> attr_value
val pp_name : Format.formatter -> Attributes.key -> unit
val pp_attr_value : Format.formatter -> attr_value -> unit

Print attribute value, with escaping but without quotes around.

val pp_attributes : (Format.formatter -> attr_value Attributes.t -> unit) option

If provided, use this function to print attributes. Else pp_name and pp_attr_value will be used.


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