package xapi-stdext-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A collection of extensions to the Unix module.

val _exit : int -> unit
val mkdir_safe : string -> Unix.file_perm -> unit
val mkdir_rec : string -> Unix.file_perm -> unit
val pidfile_write : string -> unit
val pidfile_read : string -> int option
val daemonize : unit -> unit
val with_file : string -> Unix.open_flag list -> Unix.file_perm -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_input_channel : string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_directory : string -> (Unix.dir_handle -> 'a) -> 'a
exception Break

Exception to be raised in function to break out of file_lines_fold.

val lines_fold : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> in_channel -> 'a

Folds function f over every line in the input channel

val lines_iter : (string -> unit) -> in_channel -> unit

Applies function f to every line in the input channel

val file_lines_fold : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a

Folds function f over every line in the file at file_path using the starting value start.

val read_lines : path:string -> string list

read_lines path returns a list of lines in the file at path.

val file_lines_iter : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit

Applies function f to every line in the file at file_path.

val fd_blocks_fold : int -> ('a -> bytes -> 'a) -> 'a -> Unix.file_descr -> 'a

fd_blocks_fold block_size f start fd folds f over blocks (strings) from the fd fd with initial value start

val readfile_line : (string -> 'a) -> string -> unit

Alias for function file_lines_iter.

val buffer_of_fd : Unix.file_descr -> Buffer.t

buffer_of_fd fd returns a Buffer.t containing all data read from fd up to EOF

val string_of_fd : Unix.file_descr -> string

string_of_fd fd returns a string containing all data read from fd up to EOF

val buffer_of_file : string -> Buffer.t

buffer_of_file file returns a Buffer.t containing the contents of file

val string_of_file : string -> string

string_of_file file returns a string containing the contents of file

val atomic_write_to_file : string -> Unix.file_perm -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a

atomic_write_to_file fname perms f writes a file to path fname using the function f with permissions perms. In case of error during the operation the file with the path fname is not modified at all.

val write_string_to_file : string -> string -> unit

write_string_to_file fname contents creates a file with path fname with the string contents as its contents, atomically

val write_bytes_to_file : string -> bytes -> unit

write_string_to_file fname contents creates a file with path fname with the buffer contents as its contents, atomically

val execv_get_output : string -> string array -> int * Unix.file_descr
val copy_file : ?limit:int64 -> Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> int64
val file_exists : string -> bool

Returns true if and only if a file exists at the given path.

val touch_file : string -> unit

Sets both the access and modification times of the file * at the given path to the current time. Creates an empty * file at the given path if no such file already exists.

val is_empty_file : string -> bool

Returns true if and only if an empty file exists at the given path.

val delete_empty_file : string -> bool

Safely deletes a file at the given path if (and only if) the * file exists and is empty. Returns true if a file was deleted.

exception Host_not_found of string
val open_connection_fd : string -> int -> Unix.file_descr
val open_connection_unix_fd : string -> Unix.file_descr
exception Process_still_alive
val kill_and_wait : ?signal:int -> ?timeout:float -> int -> unit
val string_of_signal : int -> string

string_of_signal x translates an ocaml signal number into * a string suitable for logging.

val proxy : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> unit
val really_read : Unix.file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
val really_read_string : Unix.file_descr -> int -> string
val really_write : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> unit

really_write keeps repeating the write operation until all bytes * have been written or an error occurs. This is not atomic but is * robust against EINTR errors. * See:

val really_write_string : Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit
val try_read_string : ?limit:int -> Unix.file_descr -> string
exception Timeout
val time_limited_write : Unix.file_descr -> int -> bytes -> float -> unit
val time_limited_write_substring : Unix.file_descr -> int -> string -> float -> unit
val time_limited_read : Unix.file_descr -> int -> float -> string
val read_data_in_string_chunks : (string -> int -> unit) -> ?block_size:int -> ?max_bytes:int -> Unix.file_descr -> int
val read_data_in_chunks : (bytes -> int -> unit) -> ?block_size:int -> ?max_bytes:int -> Unix.file_descr -> int
val spawnvp : ?pid_callback:(int -> unit) -> string -> string array -> Unix.process_status
val double_fork : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_tcp_nodelay : Unix.file_descr -> bool -> unit
val set_sock_keepalives : Unix.file_descr -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val fsync : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val get_max_fd : unit -> int
val blkgetsize64 : Unix.file_descr -> int64
val int_of_file_descr : Unix.file_descr -> int
val file_descr_of_int : int -> Unix.file_descr
val close_all_fds_except : Unix.file_descr list -> unit
val resolve_dot_and_dotdot : string -> string
val seek_to : Unix.file_descr -> int -> int
val seek_rel : Unix.file_descr -> int -> int
val current_cursor_pos : Unix.file_descr -> int
module Fdset : sig ... end
val wait_for_path : string -> (float -> unit) -> int -> unit
val send_fd : Unix.file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> Unix.msg_flag list -> Unix.file_descr -> int
val send_fd_substring : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> Unix.msg_flag list -> Unix.file_descr -> int
val recv_fd : Unix.file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> Unix.msg_flag list -> int * Unix.sockaddr * Unix.file_descr
type statvfs_t = {
  1. f_bsize : int64;
  2. f_frsize : int64;
  3. f_blocks : int64;
  4. f_bfree : int64;
  5. f_bavail : int64;
  6. f_files : int64;
  7. f_ffree : int64;
  8. f_favail : int64;
  9. f_fsid : int64;
  10. f_flag : int64;
  11. f_namemax : int64;
val statvfs : string -> statvfs_t
val domain_of_addr : string -> Unix.socket_domain option

Returns Some Unix.PF_INET or Some Unix.PF_INET6 if passed a valid IP address, otherwise returns None.

module Direct : sig ... end

Perform I/O in O_DIRECT mode using 4KiB page-aligned buffers


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