You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type order =
| Ordered
| Unordered
type def_type =
| Term
| Description
type table_cell =
| TableCell
| TableHeader
type document = block list
and block =
| Header of int * inline list
| Paragraph of inline list
| List of block list list
| NumList of block list list
| DefList of def_block list
| Table of inline list * table_block list list
| Hrule
| NoWikiBlock of string
and table_block =
| TableHead of inline list
| TableItem of inline list
and def_block = inline list * block list
and inline =
| Bold of inline list
| Italic of inline list
| String of string
| Link of string
| NoWiki of string