package why3find

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Why3.Ident.ident
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val ppr : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val loc : t -> Why3.Loc.position
val file : t -> string
val line : t -> int
val path : ?lib:string list -> t -> string list * string * string list
val fullname : ?lib:string list -> t -> string
val cat : string list -> string
type package = [
  1. | `Local
  2. | `Stdlib
  3. | `Package of Meta.pkg
type id = {
  1. self : t;
  2. id_pkg : package;
  3. id_lib : string list;
  4. id_mod : string;
  5. id_qid : string list;
val lemma : t -> bool
val standard : t -> bool
val resolve : lib:string list -> ?root:string -> t -> id
val of_infix : string -> string
val to_infix : string -> string
val pp_path : Format.formatter -> (string list * string * string list) -> unit
val pp_qid : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
val pp_qpath : local:string list -> Format.formatter -> id -> unit

only the prefix path of qid after local

val pp_qname : Format.formatter -> id -> unit

only the (infix) name of qid

val name : id -> string

only the last (infix) part of qid

val pp_local : Format.formatter -> id -> unit

only the qualified name (qid)

val pp_title : Format.formatter -> id -> unit

the full path name

val pp_aname : Format.formatter -> id -> unit
val pp_ahref : current:string option -> package_url:string option -> Format.formatter -> id -> unit
val pp_proof_aname : Format.formatter -> id -> unit
val pp_proof_ahref : Format.formatter -> id -> unit
type decl =
  1. | Type of Why3.Ty.tysymbol * Why3.Decl.constructor list
  2. | Logic of Why3.Term.lsymbol
  3. | Var of Why3.Ity.pvsymbol
  4. | Let of Why3.Expr.rsymbol
  5. | Exn of Why3.Ity.xsymbol
  6. | Axiom of Why3.Decl.prsymbol
  7. | Lemma of Why3.Decl.prsymbol
  8. | Goal of Why3.Decl.prsymbol
val find : Why3.Theory.theory -> t -> decl

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