package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type session
type file
type theory
type proofNodeID
val print_proofNodeID : Format.formatter -> proofNodeID -> unit
type transID
type proofAttemptID
val print_proofAttemptID : Format.formatter -> proofAttemptID -> unit
type fileID
module Hfile : sig ... end
module Hpn : sig ... end
module Htn : sig ... end
module Hpan : sig ... end
type any =
  1. | AFile of file
  2. | ATh of theory
  3. | ATn of transID
  4. | APn of proofNodeID
  5. | APa of proofAttemptID
val fprintf_any : Format.formatter -> any -> unit
type notifier = any -> unit
val get_files : session -> file Hfile.t
val get_dir : session -> string
val file_id : file -> fileID
val file_path : file -> Sysutil.file_path
val file_format : file -> string
val file_theories : file -> theory list
val system_path : session -> file -> string
val theory_name : theory -> Ident.ident
val theory_goals : theory -> proofNodeID list
val theory_parent : session -> theory -> file
type proof_attempt_node = private {
  1. parent : proofNodeID;
  2. mutable prover : Whyconf.prover;
  3. limit : Call_provers.resource_limit;
  4. mutable proof_state : Call_provers.prover_result option;
  5. mutable proof_obsolete : bool;
  6. mutable proof_script : Sysutil.file_path option;
val set_proof_script : proof_attempt_node -> Sysutil.file_path -> unit
val is_below : session -> any -> any -> bool
type proof_parent =
  1. | Trans of transID
  2. | Theory of theory
val get_task : session -> proofNodeID -> Task.task
val get_task_name_table : session -> proofNodeID -> Task.task * Trans.naming_table
val get_transformations : session -> proofNodeID -> transID list
val get_proof_attempt_ids : session -> proofNodeID -> proofAttemptID Whyconf.Hprover.t
exception BadID
val get_proof_attempt_node : session -> proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node
val get_proof_attempt_parent : session -> proofAttemptID -> proofNodeID
val get_proof_attempts : session -> proofNodeID -> proof_attempt_node list
val get_sub_tasks : session -> transID -> proofNodeID list
val get_transf_args : session -> transID -> string list
val get_transf_name : session -> transID -> string
val get_proof_name : session -> proofNodeID -> Ident.ident
val get_proof_expl : session -> proofNodeID -> string
val get_proof_parent : session -> proofNodeID -> proof_parent
val get_trans_parent : session -> transID -> proofNodeID
val get_any_parent : session -> any -> any option
val is_detached : session -> any -> bool
val get_encapsulating_theory : session -> any -> theory
val get_encapsulating_file : session -> any -> file
val check_if_already_exists : session -> proofNodeID -> string -> string list -> bool
val is_fatal : exn -> bool
val goal_iter_proof_attempt : session -> (proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node -> unit) -> proofNodeID -> unit
val theory_iter_proof_attempt : session -> (proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node -> unit) -> theory -> unit
val file_iter_proof_attempt : session -> (proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node -> unit) -> file -> unit
val any_iter_proof_attempt : session -> (proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node -> unit) -> any -> unit
val session_iter_proof_attempt : (proofAttemptID -> proof_attempt_node -> unit) -> session -> unit
val fold_all_any : session -> ('a -> any -> 'a) -> 'a -> any -> 'a
val fold_all_session : session -> ('a -> any -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val empty_session : shape_version:int option -> ?from:session -> string -> session
val add_file_section : session -> string -> file_is_detached:bool -> Theory.theory list -> Env.fformat -> file
val read_file : Env.env -> ?format:Env.fformat -> string -> Theory.theory list * Env.fformat
val merge_files : shape_version:int option -> Env.env -> session -> session -> exn list * bool * bool
exception NoProgress
val apply_trans_to_goal : allow_no_effect:bool -> session -> Env.env -> string -> string list -> proofNodeID -> Task.task list
val graft_transf : session -> proofNodeID -> string -> string list -> Task.task list -> transID
val remove_proof_attempt : session -> proofNodeID -> Whyconf.prover -> unit
val remove_transformation : session -> transID -> unit
val mark_obsolete : session -> proofAttemptID -> unit
val save_session : session -> unit
val load_session : string -> session * int option
exception RemoveError
val remove_subtree : notification:notifier -> removed:notifier -> session -> any -> unit
val pa_proved : session -> proofAttemptID -> bool
val th_proved : session -> theory -> bool
val pn_proved : session -> proofNodeID -> bool
val tn_proved : session -> transID -> bool
val file_proved : session -> file -> bool
val any_proved : session -> any -> bool
val update_goal_node : notifier -> session -> proofNodeID -> unit
val update_trans_node : notifier -> session -> transID -> unit
val update_proof_attempt : ?obsolete:bool -> notifier -> session -> proofNodeID -> Whyconf.prover -> Call_provers.prover_result -> unit
val change_prover : notifier -> session -> proofNodeID -> Whyconf.prover -> Whyconf.prover -> unit
val find_file_from_path : session -> Sysutil.file_path -> file
val rename_file : session -> string -> string -> Sysutil.file_path * Sysutil.file_path

Innovation. Community. Security.