package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type tdecl_set = private {
  1. tds_set : Theory.Stdecl.t;
  2. tds_tag : Weakhtbl.tag;
val tds_equal : tdecl_set -> tdecl_set -> bool
val tds_hash : tdecl_set -> int
val tds_compare : tdecl_set -> tdecl_set -> int
val tds_empty : tdecl_set
val mk_tds : Theory.Stdecl.t -> tdecl_set
type clone_map = tdecl_set Ident.Mid.t
type meta_map = tdecl_set Theory.Mmeta.t
type task = task_hd option
and task_hd = private {
  1. task_decl : Theory.tdecl;
  2. task_prev : task;
  3. task_known : Decl.known_map;
  4. task_clone : clone_map;
  5. task_meta : meta_map;
  6. task_tag : Weakhtbl.tag;
val task_equal : task -> task -> bool
val task_hd_equal : task_hd -> task_hd -> bool
val task_hash : task -> int
val task_hd_hash : task_hd -> int
val task_known : task -> Decl.known_map
val task_clone : task -> clone_map
val task_meta : task -> meta_map
val find_clone_tds : task -> Theory.theory -> tdecl_set
val find_meta_tds : task -> Theory.meta -> tdecl_set
val add_decl : task -> Decl.decl -> task
val add_tdecl : task -> Theory.tdecl -> task
val use_export : task -> Theory.theory -> task
val clone_export : task -> Theory.theory -> Theory.th_inst -> task
val add_meta : task -> Theory.meta -> Theory.meta_arg list -> task
val add_ty_decl : task -> Ty.tysymbol -> task
val add_data_decl : task -> Decl.data_decl list -> task
val add_param_decl : task -> Term.lsymbol -> task
val add_logic_decl : task -> Decl.logic_decl list -> task
val add_ind_decl : task -> Decl.ind_sign -> Decl.ind_decl list -> task
val add_prop_decl : task -> Decl.prop_kind -> Decl.prsymbol -> Term.term -> task
val split_theory : Theory.theory -> Decl.Spr.t option -> task -> task list
val used_theories : task -> Theory.theory Ident.Mid.t
val local_decls : task -> Theory.theory Ident.Mid.t -> Decl.decl list
val task_fold : ('a -> Theory.tdecl -> 'a) -> 'a -> task -> 'a
val task_iter : (Theory.tdecl -> unit) -> task -> unit
val task_tdecls : task -> Theory.tdecl list
val task_decls : task -> Decl.decl list
val task_goal : task -> Decl.prsymbol
val task_goal_fmla : task -> Term.term
val task_separate_goal : task -> Theory.tdecl * task
val on_meta : Theory.meta -> ('a -> Theory.meta_arg list -> 'a) -> 'a -> task -> 'a
val on_cloned_theory : Theory.theory -> ('a -> Theory.symbol_map -> 'a) -> 'a -> task -> 'a
val on_meta_excl : Theory.meta -> task -> Theory.meta_arg list option
val on_used_theory : Theory.theory -> task -> bool
val on_tagged_ty : Theory.meta -> task -> Ty.Sty.t
val on_tagged_ts : Theory.meta -> task -> Ty.Sts.t
val on_tagged_ls : Theory.meta -> task -> Term.Sls.t
val on_tagged_pr : Theory.meta -> task -> Decl.Spr.t
exception NotTaggingMeta of Theory.meta
exception NotExclusiveMeta of Theory.meta
exception GoalNotFound
exception GoalFound
exception LemmaFound

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