package why3
val matching :
Ty.ty Ty.Mtv.t ->
Term.term Term.Mvs.t ->
Term.term ->
Term.term ->
Ty.ty Ty.Mtv.t * Term.term Term.Mvs.t
type construction =
| Crigid of Term.vsymbol
| Cbound of int
| Cconst of Term.term
| Capp of Term.lsymbol
| Cif
| Clet
| Ccase of int
| Ceps
| Cquant of Term.quant * int
| Cbinop of Term.binop
| Cnot
module C : sig ... end
module MC : sig ... end
module Cty : sig ... end
module MCty : sig ... end
module Cpat : sig ... end
module MCpat : sig ... end
type !'i instruction =
| Fragment of 'i * construction
| Store of 'i
| FragmentPat of pat_construction
| FragmentTy of 'i * ty_construction
| StoreTv
| Subst of Term.vsymbol
| SubstTv of Ty.tvsymbol
| Occurs of Term.vsymbol
| Nop
module IL : sig ... end
module MIL : sig ... end
module Instr : sig ... end
module MInstr : sig ... end
type !'id code_point = {
highest_id : 'id;
straight_code : int list instruction list;
branch : 'id code_branch;
and !'id code_branch =
| Stop
| Fork of 'id code_point MInstr.t
| Switch of 'id code_point MIL.t MC.t
| SwitchTy of 'id code_point MIL.t MCty.t
| SwitchPat of 'id code_point MCpat.t
type !'id matching_state = {
mutable term_stack : Term.term list;
mutable match_stack : Term.term list;
mutable ty_stack : Ty.ty list;
mutable ty_match_stack : Ty.ty list;
mutable pat_stack : Term.pattern list;
mutable type_match : Ty.ty Ty.Mtv.t;
mutable term_match : Term.term Term.Mvs.t;
mutable bind_level : int;
mutable bound_levels : int Term.Mvs.t;
code_loc : 'id code_point;
val ms_bind : 'a matching_state -> Term.Mvs.key -> unit
val drop : 'a matching_state -> ('b -> Ty.ty) -> 'b list -> int list -> unit
val ms_tyl : 'a matching_state -> Ty.ty list -> int list -> unit
val ms_quant :
'a matching_state ->
Term.Mvs.key list ->
Term.term ->
int list ->
val add_dty : 'a matching_state -> Term.term -> 'b list -> unit
val instr : 'a matching_state -> int list instruction -> bool
val instrs : 'a matching_state -> int list instruction list -> bool
val run_match :
('i -> 'i -> int) ->
'i code_point ->
Ty.ty Ty.Mtv.t ->
Term.term Term.Mvs.t ->
Term.term ->
('i * Ty.ty Ty.Mtv.t * Term.term Term.Mvs.t) option
val _fragment : 'a list instruction
val _fragment_ty : 'a list instruction
val _fragment_pat : 'a instruction
val id_branch : 'a code_branch -> 'b list instruction
val join_code_points :
('a -> 'a -> int) ->
'a code_point ->
'a code_point ->
'a code_point
module TyG : sig ... end
val compile : 'a -> 'b Ty.Mtv.t -> 'c Term.Mvs.t -> Term.term -> 'a code_point
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"