package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ty =
  1. | Tvar of Ty.tvsymbol
  2. | Tapp of Ident.ident * ty list
  3. | Ttuple of ty list
type is_ghost = bool
type var = Ident.ident * ty * is_ghost
type for_direction =
  1. | To
  2. | DownTo
type pat =
  1. | Pwild
  2. | Pvar of Term.vsymbol
  3. | Papp of Term.lsymbol * pat list
  4. | Ptuple of pat list
  5. | Por of pat * pat
  6. | Pas of pat * Term.vsymbol
type is_rec = bool
type binop =
  1. | Band
  2. | Bor
  3. | Beq
type ity =
  1. | I of Ity.ity
  2. | C of Ity.cty
type expr = {
  1. e_node : expr_node;
  2. e_ity : ity;
  3. e_effect : Ity.effect;
  4. e_attrs : Ident.Sattr.t;
and expr_node =
  1. | Econst of Number.integer_constant
  2. | Evar of Ity.pvsymbol
  3. | Eapp of Expr.rsymbol * expr list
  4. | Efun of var list * expr
  5. | Elet of let_def * expr
  6. | Eif of expr * expr * expr
  7. | Eassign of (Ity.pvsymbol * Expr.rsymbol * Ity.pvsymbol) list
  8. | Ematch of expr * reg_branch list * exn_branch list
  9. | Eblock of expr list
  10. | Ewhile of expr * expr
  11. | Efor of Ity.pvsymbol * Ity.pvsymbol * for_direction * Ity.pvsymbol * expr
  12. | Eraise of Ity.xsymbol * expr option
  13. | Eexn of Ity.xsymbol * ty option * expr
  14. | Eignore of expr
  15. | Eabsurd
and reg_branch = pat * expr
and exn_branch = Ity.xsymbol * Ity.pvsymbol list * expr
and let_def =
  1. | Lvar of Ity.pvsymbol * expr
  2. | Lsym of Expr.rsymbol * ty * var list * expr
  3. | Lany of Expr.rsymbol * ty * var list
  4. | Lrec of rdef list
and rdef = {
  1. rec_sym : Expr.rsymbol;
  2. rec_args : var list;
  3. rec_exp : expr;
  4. rec_res : ty;
  5. rec_svar : Ty.Stv.t;
type is_mutable = bool
type typedef =
  1. | Ddata of (Ident.ident * ty list) list
  2. | Drecord of (is_mutable * Ident.ident * ty) list
  3. | Dalias of ty
  4. | Drange of Number.int_range
  5. | Dfloat of Number.float_format
type its_defn = {
  1. its_name : Ident.ident;
  2. its_args : Ty.tvsymbol list;
  3. its_private : bool;
  4. its_def : typedef option;
type decl =
  1. | Dtype of its_defn list
  2. | Dlet of let_def
  3. | Dval of Ity.pvsymbol * ty
  4. | Dexn of Ity.xsymbol * ty option
  5. | Dmodule of string * decl list
type namespace = (Ident.ident * decl list) list
type from_module = {
  1. from_mod : Pmodule.pmodule option;
  2. from_km : Pdecl.known_map;
type known_map = decl Ident.Mid.t
type pmodule = {
  1. mod_from : from_module;
  2. mod_decl : decl list;
  3. mod_known : known_map;
val get_decl_name : decl -> Ident.ident list
val add_known_decl : decl -> decl Ident.Mid.t -> Ident.Mid.key -> decl Ident.Mid.t
val iter_deps_ty : (Ident.ident -> 'a) -> ty -> unit
val iter_deps_typedef : (Ident.ident -> 'a) -> typedef -> unit
val iter_deps_its_defn : (Ident.ident -> 'a) -> its_defn -> unit
val iter_deps_args : (Ident.ident -> 'a) -> ('b * ty * 'c) list -> unit
val iter_deps_xbranch : (Ident.ident -> unit) -> exn_branch -> unit
val iter_deps_pat_list : (Ident.ident -> unit) -> pat list -> unit
val iter_deps_pat : (Ident.ident -> unit) -> pat -> unit
val iter_deps_expr : (Ident.ident -> unit) -> expr -> unit
val iter_deps : (Ident.ident -> unit) -> decl -> unit
val ity_unit : ity
val ity_of_mask : ity -> Ity.mask -> ity
val mk_expr : expr_node -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val tunit : ty
val is_unit : ity -> bool
val enope : expr_node
val mk_var : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a * 'b * 'c
val mk_var_unit : Ident.ident * ty * bool
val mk_its_defn : Ident.ident -> Ty.tvsymbol list -> bool -> typedef option -> its_defn
val e_unit : expr
val var_defn : Ity.pvsymbol -> expr -> let_def
val sym_defn : Expr.rsymbol -> ty -> var list -> expr -> let_def
val e_let : let_def -> expr -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_app : Expr.rsymbol -> expr list -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_fun : var list -> expr -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_ignore : Ity.ity -> expr -> expr
val e_if : expr -> expr -> expr -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_while : expr -> expr -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_match : expr -> reg_branch list -> exn_branch list -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_absurd : ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val e_seq : expr -> expr -> ity -> Ity.mask -> Ity.effect -> Ident.Sattr.t -> expr
val var_list_of_pv_list : Ity.pvsymbol list -> expr list

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