package webtest

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Types and functions for creating and structuring unit test suites.

exception TestFailure of string

The exception thrown by failing tests.

type result =
  1. | Error of exn

    An unexpected error occurred in the test.

  2. | Fail of string

    An assertion failed in the test.

  3. | Pass

    The test passed.


The result of running a single testcase.

module Sync : sig ... end
module Async : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | TestCase of string * Async.test_fun

    A labelled single test.

  2. | TestList of string * t list

    A labelled list of tests.


A labelled wrapper around a test or list of suites.

val (>::) : string -> Sync.test_fun -> t

Convenience function to create a suite from a label and a Sync.test_fun.

val (>:~) : string -> Async.test_fun -> t

Convenience function to create a suite from a label and a Sync.test_fun.

Convenience function to create a suite from a label and an Async.test_fun.

val (>:::) : string -> t list -> t

Convenience function to create a suite from a label and an Async.test_fun.

Convenience function to create a suite from a label and a list of suites.

val assert_true : ?label:string -> bool -> unit

assert_bool label value returns unit if value is true, and otherwise raises TestFailure.

val assert_equal : ?equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ?label:string -> ?printer:('a -> string) -> 'a -> 'a -> unit

assert_equal a b returns unit if a is equal to b, and otherwise raises TestFailure.

val assert_raises : ?label:string -> exn -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

assert_raises e task returns unit if task () raises e, and otherwise raises TestFailure.

val assert_raises_string : ?label:string -> string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

assert_raises_string str task returns unit if task () raises an exception e for which Printexc.to_string e = str, and otherwise raises TestFailure.


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