package webidl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type primitive = [
  1. | `Boolean
  2. | `Byte
  3. | `Double
  4. | `Float
  5. | `Long
  6. | `Long_long
  7. | `Octet
  8. | `Short
  9. | `Unrestricted of [ `Double | `Float ]
  10. | `Unsigned of [ `Long | `Long_long | `Short ]
val show_primitive : primitive -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type string_type = [
  1. | `Bytestring
  2. | `Domstring
  3. | `Usvstring
val show_string_type : string_type -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type !'a null = 'a Types.null = {
  1. type_ : 'a;
  2. has_null : bool;
type buffer = [
  1. | `Arraybuffer
  2. | `Dataview
  3. | `Float32array
  4. | `Float64array
  5. | `Int16array
  6. | `Int32array
  7. | `Int8array
  8. | `Uint16array
  9. | `Uint32array
  10. | `Uint8array
  11. | `Uint8clampedarray
val show_buffer : buffer -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type non_any_non_rec = [
  1. | `Buffer of buffer null
  2. | `Domexception of unit null
  3. | `Error of unit null
  4. | `Ident of string null
  5. | `Object of unit null
  6. | `Primitive of primitive null
  7. | `String of string_type null
val show_non_any_non_rec : non_any_non_rec -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type non_any = [
  1. | `Buffer of buffer null
  2. | `Domexception of unit null
  3. | `Error of unit null
  4. | `Frozen_array of types null
  5. | `Ident of string null
  6. | `Object of unit null
  7. | `Primitive of primitive null
  8. | `Promise of return_type
  9. | `Record of (string_type * types) null
  10. | `Sequence of types null
  11. | `String of string_type null
and types = [
  1. | `Any
  2. | `Buffer of buffer null
  3. | `Domexception of unit null
  4. | `Error of unit null
  5. | `Frozen_array of types null
  6. | `Ident of string null
  7. | `Object of unit null
  8. | `Primitive of primitive null
  9. | `Promise of return_type
  10. | `Record of (string_type * types) null
  11. | `Sequence of types null
  12. | `String of string_type null
  13. | `Union of union null
and return_type = [
  1. | `Any
  2. | `Buffer of buffer null
  3. | `Domexception of unit null
  4. | `Error of unit null
  5. | `Frozen_array of types null
  6. | `Ident of string null
  7. | `Object of unit null
  8. | `Primitive of primitive null
  9. | `Promise of return_type
  10. | `Record of (string_type * types) null
  11. | `Sequence of types null
  12. | `String of string_type null
  13. | `Union of union null
  14. | `Void
and union = [
  1. | `Or of union_member list
and union_member = [
  1. | `Buffer of buffer null
  2. | `Domexception of unit null
  3. | `Error of unit null
  4. | `Frozen_array of types null
  5. | `Ident of string null
  6. | `Object of unit null
  7. | `Primitive of primitive null
  8. | `Promise of return_type
  9. | `Record of (string_type * types) null
  10. | `Sequence of types null
  11. | `String of string_type null
  12. | `Union of union null
val show_non_any : non_any -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_return_type : return_type -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_union_member : union_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type const_value = [
  1. | `Bool of bool
  2. | `Float of float
  3. | `Int of int
  4. | `Null
val show_const_value : const_value -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type const_type = [
  1. | `Boolean
  2. | `Byte
  3. | `Double
  4. | `Float
  5. | `Ident of string
  6. | `Long
  7. | `Long_long
  8. | `Octet
  9. | `Short
  10. | `Unrestricted of [ `Double | `Float ]
  11. | `Unsigned of [ `Long | `Long_long | `Short ]
val show_const_type : const_type -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type const = const_type Types.null * string * const_value
type default_value = [
  1. | `Const of const_value
  2. | `Empty_sequence
  3. | `String of string
val show_default_value : default_value -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type argument_name_keyword = [
  1. | `Attribute
  2. | `Callback
  3. | `Const
  4. | `Deleter
  5. | `Dictionary
  6. | `Enum
  7. | `Getter
  8. | `Implements
  9. | `Inherit
  10. | `Interface
  11. | `Iterable
  12. | `Legacycaller
  13. | `Maplike
  14. | `Namespace
  15. | `Partial
  16. | `Required
  17. | `Serializer
  18. | `Setlike
  19. | `Setter
  20. | `Static
  21. | `Stringifier
  22. | `Typedef
  23. | `Unrestricted
val show_argument_name_keyword : argument_name_keyword -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type argument_name = [
  1. | `Attribute
  2. | `Callback
  3. | `Const
  4. | `Deleter
  5. | `Dictionary
  6. | `Enum
  7. | `Getter
  8. | `Ident of string
  9. | `Implements
  10. | `Inherit
  11. | `Interface
  12. | `Iterable
  13. | `Legacycaller
  14. | `Maplike
  15. | `Namespace
  16. | `Partial
  17. | `Required
  18. | `Serializer
  19. | `Setlike
  20. | `Setter
  21. | `Static
  22. | `Stringifier
  23. | `Typedef
  24. | `Unrestricted
val show_argument_name : argument_name -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type optional_argument = Argument.optional_argument = {
  1. type_ : Types.types;
  2. name : argument_name;
  3. default : Const.default_value option;
val show_optional_argument : optional_argument -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type required_argument = Argument.required_argument = {
  1. type_ : Types.types;
  2. name : argument_name;
  3. is_variadic : bool;
val show_required_argument : required_argument -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type argument = [
  1. | `Optional of optional_argument
  2. | `Required of required_argument
val show_argument : argument -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type extended_attribute = [
  1. | `Argument_list of string * Argument.argument with_extAttr list
  2. | `Ident of string * string
  3. | `Ident_list of string * string list
  4. | `Named_arg_list of string * string * Argument.argument with_extAttr list
  5. | `No_args of string
and !'a with_extAttr = 'a Extended.with_extAttr = {
  1. extAttr : extended_attribute list;
  2. value : 'a;
val show_extended_attribute : extended_attribute -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type !'a members = 'a Extended.members = {
  1. ident : string;
  2. members : 'a with_extAttr list;
type !'a members_with_inherit = 'a Extended.members_with_inherit = {
  1. ident : string;
  2. inheritance : string option;
  3. members : 'a with_extAttr list;
type special = [
  1. | `Deleter
  2. | `Getter
  3. | `Legacycaller
  4. | `Setter
val show_special : special -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type operation = Operation.operation = {
  1. specials : special list;
  2. type_ : Types.return_type;
  3. ident : string option;
  4. arguments : Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list;
val show_operation : operation -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type attribute_name = [
  1. | `Ident of string
  2. | `Required
val show_attribute_name : attribute_name -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type attribute = Types.types * attribute_name
val show_attribute : attribute -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type read_only_attribute = Attribute.read_only_attribute = {
  1. type_ : Types.types;
  2. name : attribute_name;
  3. is_read_only : bool;
val show_read_only_attribute : read_only_attribute -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type pattern_list = [
  1. | `Getter
  2. | `Identifiers of string list
  3. | `None
val show_pattern_list : pattern_list -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type pattern_map = [
  1. | `Getter
  2. | `Identifiers of string list
  3. | `Inherit of string list
  4. | `None
val show_pattern_map : pattern_map -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type serializer = [
  1. | `Ident of string
  2. | `None
  3. | `Operation of string option * Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list
  4. | `Pattern_list of pattern_list
  5. | `Pattern_map of pattern_map
val show_serializer : serializer -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type static_member = [
  1. | `Attribute of Attribute.read_only_attribute
  2. | `Operation of Types.return_type * string option * Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list
val show_static_member : static_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type stringifier = [
  1. | `Attribute of Attribute.read_only_attribute
  2. | `None
  3. | `Operation of Types.return_type * string option * Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list
val show_stringifier : stringifier -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type iterable = Types.types * Types.types option
val show_iterable : iterable -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type maplike = Types.types * Types.types
val show_maplike : maplike -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type setlike = Types.types
val show_setlike : setlike -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type read_only_member = [
  1. | `Attribute of Attribute.attribute
  2. | `Maplike of maplike
  3. | `Setlike of setlike
val show_read_only_member : read_only_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type read_write_attribute = Interface.read_write_attribute = {
  1. is_inherit : bool;
  2. attribute : Attribute.attribute;
val show_read_write_attribute : read_write_attribute -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type interface_member = [
  1. | `Const of Const.const
  2. | `Iterable of iterable
  3. | `Maplike of maplike
  4. | `Operation of Operation.operation
  5. | `Read_only_member of read_only_member
  6. | `Read_write_attribute of read_write_attribute
  7. | `Serializer of serializer
  8. | `Setlike of setlike
  9. | `Static_member of static_member
  10. | `Stringifier of stringifier
val show_interface_member : interface_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type interface = interface_member Extended.members_with_inherit
val show_interface : interface -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type dictionary_member = Dictionary.dictionary_member = {
  1. is_required : bool;
  2. type_ : Types.types;
  3. ident : string;
  4. default : Const.default_value option;
val show_dictionary_member : dictionary_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type dictionary = dictionary_member Extended.members_with_inherit
val show_dictionary : dictionary -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type namespace_member = [
  1. | `Attribute of Attribute.read_only_attribute
  2. | `Operation of Types.return_type * string option * Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list
val show_namespace_member : namespace_member -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type namespace = namespace_member Extended.members
val show_namespace : namespace -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type partial = [
  1. | `Dictionary of Dictionary.dictionary_member Extended.members
  2. | `Interface of Interface.interface_member Extended.members
  3. | `Namespace of Namespace.namespace
val show_partial : partial -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type definition = [
  1. | `Callback of string * Types.return_type * Argument.argument Extended.with_extAttr list
  2. | `Callback_interface of Interface.interface
  3. | `Dictionary of Dictionary.dictionary
  4. | `Enum of string * string list
  5. | `Implements of string * string
  6. | `Interface of Interface.interface
  7. | `Namespace of Namespace.namespace
  8. | `Partial of partial
  9. | `Typedef of Types.types * string
val show_definition : definition -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type ast = definition with_extAttr list

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