Module type
Class type
Json utilities.
read_json_file reader fname
reads the file fname
using the reader reader
generated by atdgen.
val null : Wcs_t.json
The null
value of JSON.
val set : Wcs_t.json -> string -> Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json
set o x v
add (or replace) the a field x
of the object o
with value v
val get : Wcs_t.json -> string -> Wcs_t.json option
get o x
gets the value of the field x
of the object o
val take : Wcs_t.json -> string -> Wcs_t.json * Wcs_t.json option
take o x
gets the value of the field x
of the object o
and remove the field from the object. The left part of the return value is the modified object and the right part is the value of the field.
fieldval set_skip_user_input : Wcs_t.json -> bool -> Wcs_t.json
set_skip_user_input ctx b
set the field "skip_user_input"
of the object ctx
with value b
val take_skip_user_input : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json * bool
take_skip_user_input ctx
take the field "skip_user_input"
of the object ctx
. If the field is the defined, it returns false
fieldval set_actions : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.action list -> Wcs_t.json
set_actions ctx l
set the field "actions"
of the object ctx
with the list of actions l
val take_actions : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json * Wcs_t.action list option
take_actions ctx
take the field "actions"
of the object ctx
val push_action : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.action -> Wcs_t.json
push_action ctx act
add the action act
in the list of actions stored in the field "actions"
of ctx. It the field "actions"
doesn't exists, it creates it.
val pop_action : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json * Wcs_t.action option
pop_action ctx
take an action act
in the list of actions stored in the field "actions"
of ctx.
fieldval set_continuation : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.action -> Wcs_t.json
set_continuation ctx act
set the field "continuation"
of the object ctx
with the action act
val get_continuation : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.action option
get_continuation ctx
get the value of the field "continuation"
of the object ctx
val take_continuation : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json * Wcs_t.action option
take_continuation ctx
take the value of the field "continuation"
of the object ctx
fieldval set_return : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json
set_return ctx v
set the field "return"
of the object ctx
with the value v
val get_return : Wcs_t.json -> Wcs_t.json option
get_return ctx
get the value of the field "return"
of the object ctx
val set_bool : Wcs_t.json -> string -> bool -> Wcs_t.json
set_bool o x b
sets the a field x
of the object o
with value b
val get_bool : Wcs_t.json -> string -> bool option
get_bool o x
gets the value of the field x
of the object o
val set_string : Wcs_t.json -> string -> string -> Wcs_t.json
set_string o x x
sets the a field x
of the object o
with string s
val get_string : Wcs_t.json -> string -> string option
get_string o x
gets the value of the field x
of the object o
val take_string : Wcs_t.json -> string -> Wcs_t.json * string option
take_string o x
takes the value of the field x
of the object o