A proxy whose type isn't known statically. Use ty and pattern matching to recover the type.
val user_data : ('a, _, 'role)t->('a, 'role)S.user_data
user_data t returns the data attached to the proxy when it was created. Returns No_data if nothing was attached.
val cast_version : ('a, _, 'role)t->('a, _, 'role)t
If the version rules turn out to be too restrictive, this can be used to disable them. Using this incorrectly may lead to a protocol error (such as receiving an event for which no handler was registered).
on_delete t f calls f when t is deleted, either by delete being called (on the server) or when the client receives confirmation of the deletion from the server. f will also be called if the connection ends.
alloc t ~op ~ints ~strings ~arrays is a fresh message for t's op operation. The message is the right size for ints integer arguments, all the strings in strings, and all the arrays in arrays.
val send : ('a, _, [< `Client | `Server ])t->('a, [ `W ])Msg.t-> unit
shutdown_send t indicates that you will no longer call send on t. Call this after sending a destructor message. Attempts to send using the proxy after this will fail.