package wasmer

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module T : StructType


include module type of struct include DeclareRefBase(T) end
include module type of struct include DeclareOwn(T) end

The base WASM objects, declared in wasm.h as WASM_DECLARE_OWN.

val name : string

The C name of the structure without the _t suffix.

The C unique (abstract) base type for the structure. the structure type is therefore t structure.

The Ctypes definition of the C structure.

This structure maintains an ownership status. See also WasmerBindings.OwnableObject.

include module type of struct include OwnableObject(DeclareRefBase(T).{O}4) end

Ownable objects are the basic structure that maintains an ownership state on C objects.

The owning structure type.

val make_new : unit -> s

Make a new owning structure from a new pointer.

val make_from_raise : DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr -> object_state -> s

Make a new owning structure from a pointer. See also WasmerBindings.OwnableObject.make_from_unsafe.

val make_from_unsafe : DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr -> object_state -> s

Make a new owning structure from a pointer. Does not raise an exception if NULL is given. See also WasmerBindings.OwnableObject.make_from_raise.

Make a new owning structure from a pointer, with an additional data. See also WasmerBindings.OwnableObject.make_from_unsafe_data.

Make a new owning structure from a pointer, with an additional data. Does not raise an exception if NULL is given. See also WasmerBindings.OwnableObject.make_from_raise_data.

val get_state : s -> object_state

Returns the current ownership state.

val lose_ownership : s -> unit

Sets the current ownership state to WasmerBindings.object_state.State_PassedAway. Ignores the current ownership.

val grab_ownership : s -> DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr

grab_ownership self gives the ownership of the pointed object to the caller code. It is equivalent to let p = get_ptr self in lose_ownership self; p, but with additional checks for the current ownership.

  • returns

    The pointer

val gain_ownership_back : s -> DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr

Deletes the object if required, then sets the ownership to WasmerBindings.object_state.State_Owned and returns the pointer. This is only to be used in own-out function arguments in the C API or equivalent.

  • returns

    A deleted or given-away pointer.

  • raises Invalid_access

    If the current state is WasmerBindings.object_state.State_Dependent

val is_null : s -> bool

Returns Ctypes.is_null on the underlying pointer, ignoring the current ownership state.

Returns the underlying pointer, requiring a sufficient ownership state.

  • raises Invalid_access

    If the current state is lower than WasmerBindings.object_state.State_RW

val get_ptr_const : s -> DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr

Returns the underlying pointer, requiring a sufficient ownership state.

  • raises Invalid_access

    If the current state is lower than WasmerBindings.object_state.State_Const

val get_ptr_givenaway : s -> DeclareOwn(T).{O}4.t Ctypes.ptr

Inherently unsafe function that returns a given-away pointer.

  • raises Invalid_access

    If the current state is not WasmerBindings.object_state.State_PassedAway

val delete : s -> unit

Frees the underlying pointer. A side effect is to mark the object as given away.

val duplicate : s -> s
val duplicate_unsafe : s -> s
val same : s -> s -> bool
val get_host_info : s -> unit Ctypes.ptr
val set_host_info : s -> unit Ctypes.ptr -> unit
val set_host_info_with_finalizer : s -> unit Ctypes.ptr -> (unit Ctypes.ptr -> unit) -> unit

Finalizers will not get GC'd (so long as they are called once)

val to_ref : s -> Ref.s
val of_ref : Ref.s -> s
val to_ref_const : s -> Ref.s
val of_ref_const : Ref.s -> s

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