package wall

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Definition of colors, taken from Gg

include module type of struct include Gg.Color end
type t = Gg.color
type stops = (float * Gg.color) list
val v : float -> float -> float -> float -> Gg.color
val v_srgb : ?a:float -> float -> float -> float -> Gg.color
val v_srgbi : ?a:float -> int -> int -> int -> Gg.color
val r : Gg.color -> float
val g : Gg.color -> float
val b : Gg.color -> float
val a : Gg.color -> float
val void : Gg.color
val black : Gg.color
val gray : ?a:float -> float -> Gg.color
val white : Gg.color
val red : Gg.color
val green : Gg.color
val blue : Gg.color
val blend : Gg.color -> Gg.color -> Gg.color
val clamp : Gg.color -> Gg.color
val with_a : Gg.color -> float -> Gg.color
type srgb = Gg.v4
val of_srgb : srgb -> Gg.color
val to_srgb : Gg.color -> srgb
val to_srgbi : Gg.color -> int * int * int * float
type luv = Gg.v4
val of_luv : luv -> Gg.color
val to_luv : Gg.color -> luv
type lch_uv = Gg.v4
val of_lch_uv : lch_uv -> Gg.color
val to_lch_uv : Gg.color -> lch_uv
type lab = Gg.v4
val of_lab : Gg.v4 -> Gg.color
val to_lab : Gg.color -> Gg.v4
type lch_ab = Gg.v4
val of_lch_ab : lch_ab -> Gg.color
val to_lch_ab : Gg.color -> lch_ab
type space = [
  1. | `CLR2
  2. | `CLR3
  3. | `CLR4
  4. | `CLR5
  5. | `CLR6
  6. | `CLR7
  7. | `CLR8
  8. | `CLR9
  9. | `CLRA
  10. | `CLRB
  11. | `CLRC
  12. | `CLRD
  13. | `CLRE
  14. | `CLRF
  15. | `CMY
  16. | `CMYK
  17. | `Gray
  18. | `HLS
  19. | `HSV
  20. | `Lab
  21. | `Luv
  22. | `RGB
  23. | `XYZ
  24. | `YCbr
  25. | `Yxy
val space_dim : space -> int
val pp_space : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> space -> unit
type profile = Gg.Color.profile
val profile_of_icc : string -> profile option
val profile_to_icc : profile -> string
val profile_space : profile -> space
val profile_dim : profile -> int
val p_gray_l : profile
val p_rgb_l : profile
val hsl : h:float -> s:float -> l:float -> t
val hsla : h:float -> s:float -> l:float -> a:float -> t
val lerp_rgba : float -> t -> t -> t

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