package vue-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Ppx to make Vue.js application


Dune Dependency






vue-ppx is a preprocessor to build vue.js applications in js_of_ocaml

Providing arguments

  • data To provide a data argument use:

let%data (message: Js_of_ocaml.Js.js_string Js_of_ocaml.Js.t) = Js_of_ocaml.Js.string "Hello, world!"

The constraint on the expression allows to constraint the type when you use this field in methods, computed or other arguments.

  • method In the same way:

let%meth print this (name: Js_of_ocaml.Js.js_string Js_of_ocaml.Js.t) =
  Format.printf "Hi %s!\n%s" (Js_of_ocaml.Js.to_string name) (Js_of_ocaml.Js.to_string this##.message)

The first argument this is bound to the vue instance and allows to use the data/methods/computed and other.

  • computed

let%comp reversed_message this : Js_of_ocaml.Js.js_string Js_of_ocaml.Js.t =
  Js_of_ocaml.Js.string @@
  String.mapi (fun i _c -> String.get s (String.length s - i - 1)) @@
  Js_of_ocaml.Js.to_string this##.message
  • watch

let%watch message _this new_ old =
  Format.printf "message changed to %s" @@ Js_of_ocaml.Js.to_string new_

Constraints are added to ensure new_ and old are of the same type and if the property watched is constrained in you data or props, the type will be constrained in the same way

  • props For components you can give you external props using:

let%prop (prop1 : int) = { dft=3 }

In the record given, you can provide the default prop (default/dft), a validator (validator), a javascript constructor (cons/type) and if the prop is required (req/required). The constraint will be used in some cases to provide a javascript constructor and set the required flag (if it's not required and no default is provided, use a constraint with Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef). If there is no options in the record, you can use a unit expression.

For data, methods, computed, watch and props, the argument or exit types can be automaticall converted from or to js_of_ocaml using ppx_deriving_jsoo using the [@conv] (or [@@conv]) attribute. If the global conv option is used (cf. further), a local [@noconv] can be used to ignore the conversion for this binding.

  • template For component also the template can be provided using:

  <input v-model="message" placeholder="message"></input>
  <button @click="print('John')">print</button>
  {{ message }}

If you want the template to be compiled into a render function at the compilation, use:


Templates can also be compiled into render function when using the environment variable VUE_COMPILE=1. The default compiler is provided in the library ($OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX/bin/vue-compiler) but another one can be provided using VUE_COMPILER=binary.exe.

Instantiating a component

To instantiate a component, use:

[%%comp { components=[ C1; C2.component ]; debug; plugins=[]; modules=[Foo, Foo_jsoo]; conv }]

It will create a value component with the arguments given in the same structure (in the same module). The components option allows to register the components C1.component and C2.component locally for this component. The debug option will print out the expression of this componennt.

  • The plugins option will set the plugins for the application

  • The conv option will try to convert all types (for data, props, methods, ...) given to or from js_of_ocaml using ppx_deriving_jsoo.

  • The modules option makes the correspondance between a module and its counterpart where the convert functions are (for example for the type Foo.t when the functions of conversion are Foo_jsoo.jsoo_conv as used in ppx_deriving_jsoo.

Instantiating the application

To instantiate the application, use:

[%%app { components=[ C0 ]; mount="app42"; debug; conv; unhide; export }]

It will create a value _app with the arguments given in the same structure, with the components registered globally.

  • The mount option will also mount the application on the element with the id "app42" using Vue.mount ~id:"app42" _app (the default id is "app").

  • The unhide option will set the element with id "app-loading" to display=none and the element with the id "app" to display=block.

  • The export option will export the app object to the window (

  • plugins, conv and modules can also be used for the root application.

Using the instance

In method or computed or watch arguments you can use the component instance $data, $props, $el, $options, $parent, $root, $slots, $refs, $attrs using: [%data], [%props], ... You can also use the instance functions:

  • $emit:

let%meth f this = [%emit "myevent" this arg1]
  • $forceUpdate: with [%update]

  • $nextTick:

let%meth f this =
  [%next this (fun this -> ...)]

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