package vue-jsoo

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a vue = 'a Mjs.t
module Make (S : sig ... end) : sig ... end

Functor to create a vue with typechek of input data

val make : ?computed:('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any Mjs.optdef) Mjs.table_cons -> ?watch:('all Mjs.t -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any -> Mjs.any) Mjs.table_cons -> ?methods:Mjs.any Mjs.table_cons -> ?data:'data Mjs.t -> ?components: (, Vue_component.Internal.component_arg Mjs.t Mjs.table_cons -> ?router:Vue_router.router -> ? -> string -> 'all vue

generic maker

val get_prop : 'a vue -> string -> 'b

get a $ prop element of the vue

val get_ref : 'a vue -> string -> 'b

get an element of $ref

val get_router : 'a vue -> Vue_router.router

get the router of the vue

val get_store : 'a vue -> 'b

get the store of the vue

val get_route : 'a vue -> ('b, 'c) Vue_router.Internal.route Mjs.t

get the current route

module SPA (S : sig ... end) : sig ... end

SPA Functor

module Root (S : sig ... end) : sig ... end

Root Functor


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