package vue-jsoo
Binding of Vue_js
Dune Dependency
vue-jsoo is a js_of_ocaml binding of vue-js
There are separate implementations of vue components in Vue_components, vue router in Vue_router and vuex in Vuex. Vue_js also provides functors to help structure a vue project.
Simple Vue
In the .ml file:
open Js_of_ocaml
let data = object%js
val message = string "Hello Vue.js!"
let methods = Mjs.L [
"reverseMessage", Mjs.to_any (wrap_meth_callback (fun this () ->
let s = Js.to_string this##.message in
let n = String.length s in
let s = String.mapi (fun i _c -> String.get s (n-i-1)) s in
this##.message := Js.string s ]
let () =
Vue_js.make ~data ~methods "app"
In the .html file:
<div id="app">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<button v-on:click="reverseMessage()">Reverse Message</button>
In the .ml file:
open Mjs
open Vue_component
let template =
<h4>Component Name : {{ name }}</h4>
<input v-model='payload'/>
<button @click='increment()'>increment</button>
<span>count: {{ count }}</span>
let data _this = object%js
val mutable count = 0
val mutable payload = 0
let methods = L [
"increment_foo", to_any (wrap_meth_callback (fun this () ->
this##.count := this##.count + this##.payload)) ]
let load () =
make ~template ~props:(PrsArray [ "name" ]) ~methods ~data "component"
let () =
load ();
Vue_js.make "app"
In the .html file:
<div id="app"
<component name="test"></component>
In the .ml file:
open Mjs
open Vue_router
let () =
let router = make [
{ (empty "/foo") with
component = Some { Vue_component.empty with template = Some "<div>foo</div>" } };
{ (Vue_router.empty "/bar") with
component = Some { Vue_component.empty with template = Some "<div>bar</div>" } } ] in
Vue_js.make ~router "app"
In the .html file:
<div id="app">
<router-link to="/foo">Go to Foo</router-link>
<router-link to="/bar">Go to Bar</router-link>
In the .ml files:
open Js_of_ocaml
open Js
open Mjs
open Vuex
let () =
let data = object%js
val payload = 0
val payload_async_ = 0
end in
let state : state t = object%js
val mutable count = 0
val mutable todos = array [|
object%js val id = 1 val text = string "..." val done_ = _true end;
object%js val id = 2 val text = string "..." val done_ = _false end;
end in
let increment state payload =
let payload = int_of_float @@ float_of_number @@ coerce payload in
state##.count := state##.count + payload in
let done_todos state =
to_any @@ manip_list (List.filter (fun x -> x##.done_ = _true)) state##.todos in
let get_todo state =
let f id =
let todos = Mjs.to_list state##.todos in
match List.find_opt (fun x -> = id) todos with
| None -> undefined
| Some todo -> def todo in
to_any f in
let increment_async store payload =
ignore @@
(wrap_callback (fun () ->
store.commit ~payload "increment" )) 1000. in
let options = {
(empty state) with
mutations = L [ "increment", increment ];
o_getters = L [ "doneTodos", done_todos; "getTodoById", get_todo ];
actions = L ["incrementAsync", increment_async ];
} in
let store = make options in
let methods = T (Table.merge [
Map.mutations ["increment"];
Map.actions ["incrementAsync"];
]) in
let computed = T (Table.merge [
Map.state ["count"; "todos"];
Map.getters ["doneTodos"; "getTodoById"]]) in
Vue_js.make ~data ~methods ~computed ~store "app"
In the .html file:
<div id="app">
<h4>Test mutation</h4>
<input v-model="payload"/>
<button @click="increment(payload)">increment</button>
<span>state: {{ count }}</span>
<h4>Test getters</h4>
<div>{{ doneTodos }}</div>
<div>{{ getTodoById(2) }}</div>
<h4>Test action</h4>
<input v-model="payload_async"/>
<button @click="incrementAsync(payload_async)">increment</button>
<span>state: {{ count }}</span>
Simple Functor
In the .ml file:
open Js_of_ocaml
open Vue_js
module V = Make(struct
let id = "app"
class type data = object
method message : Js.js_string Js.t Js.prop
type all = data
V.add_method0 "reverseMessage" (fun this ->
let s = Js.to_string this##.message in
let n = String.length s in
let s = String.mapi (fun i _c -> String.get s (n-i-1)) s in
this##.message := Js.string s)
let () =
let data = object%js
val message = "Hello world!"
end in
V.init data
Functor for SPA
In the .ml file:
open Js_of_ocaml
open Js
module Foo = struct
include Vue_js.SPA(struct
class type data = object
method payload_foo_ : int prop
class type state = object
method count_foo_ : int prop
class type all = object
inherit data
inherit state
let name = "foo"
let template =
<h4>Foo Page</h4>
<input v-model='payload_foo'/>
<button @click='increment_foo(payload_foo)'>increment</button>
<span>state: {{ count_foo }}</span>
let props =[]
let data : data t = object%js val mutable payload_foo_ = 0 end
let state : state t = object%js val mutable count_foo_ = 0 end
let mutations = [
"increment_foo", (fun state payload ->
state##.count_foo_ :=
state##.count_foo_ +
(int_of_float @@ float_of_number @@ Unsafe.coerce payload)) ]
module Bar = struct
include Vue_js.SPA(struct
class type data = object
method payload_bar_ : int prop
class type state = object
method count_bar_ : int prop
class type all = object
inherit data
inherit state
let name = "bar"
let template =
<h4>Foo Page</h4>
<input v-model='payload_bar'/>
<button @click='increment_bar(payload_bar)'>increment</button>
<span>state: {{ count_bar }}</span>
let props = []
let data : data t = object%js val mutable payload_bar_ = 0 end
let state : state t = object%js val mutable count_bar_ = 0 end
let mutations = [
"increment_bar", (fun state payload ->
state##.count_bar_ :=
state##.count_bar_ +
(int_of_float @@ float_of_number @@ Unsafe.coerce payload)) ]
module Root = struct
include Vue_js.Root(struct
class type data = object end
class type state = object end
class type all = object end
let id = "app"
let data = Unsafe.obj [||]
let state = Unsafe.obj [||]
let foo_name, foo_store, foo_route = Foo.(init ~mutations ~state ~data ())
let bar_name, bar_store, bar_route = Bar.(init ~mutations ~state ~data ())
let routes = [
Unsafe.coerce foo_route;
Unsafe.coerce bar_route ]
let modules = [
foo_name, Unsafe.coerce foo_store;
bar_name, Unsafe.coerce bar_store ]
let () =
let app = Root.(init ~routes ~modules ~data ~state ()) in
ignore app
In the .html file:
<div id="app">
<router-link to="/foo">Go to Foo</router-link>
<router-link to="/bar">Go to Bar</router-link>
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">