package vscoq-language-server

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Job : Job


type job_t = Job.t
type job_update_request = Job.update_request
val resize_pool : int -> unit
type delegation

Event for the main loop

val pr_event : delegation -> Pp.t
type events = delegation Sel.Event.t list
val handle_event : delegation -> job_update_request option * events

handling an event may require an update to a sentence in the exec state, e.g. when a feedback is received

val worker_available : jobs:(job_handle * Sel.Event.cancellation_handle * job_t) Queue.t -> fork_action:(job_t -> send_back:(job_update_request -> unit) -> unit) -> feedback_cleanup:(unit -> unit) -> delegation Sel.Event.t
type options
val parse_options : string list -> options * string list
val setup_plumbing : options -> (job_update_request -> unit) * job_t
val log : ?force:bool -> (unit -> string) -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.