package vg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type warning = [
  1. | `Other of string
  2. | `Textless_glyph_cut of I.t
  3. | `Unsupported_cut of P.area * I.t
  4. | `Unsupported_glyph_cut of P.area * I.t
val pp_warning : Format.formatter -> warning -> unit
type warn = warning -> unit
val xmp : ?title:string -> ?authors:string list -> ?subjects:string list -> ?description:string -> ?rights:string -> ?creator_tool:string -> ?create_date:float -> unit -> string
type renderable = Gg.size2 * Gg.box2 * image
type dst_stored = [
  1. | `Buffer of Buffer.t
  2. | `Channel of Pervasives.out_channel
  3. | `Manual
type dst = [
  1. | `Buffer of Buffer.t
  2. | `Channel of Pervasives.out_channel
  3. | `Manual
  4. | `Other
type 'a target constraint 'a = [< dst ]
type t = renderer
val create : ?limit:int -> ?warn:warn -> [< `Buffer of Buffer.t & Buffer.t & Buffer.t | `Channel of Pervasives.out_channel & Pervasives.out_channel & Pervasives.out_channel | `Manual | `Other ] as 'a target -> 'a -> renderer
val render : renderer -> [< `Await | `End | `Image of renderable ] -> [ `Ok | `Partial ]
val renderer_dst : renderer -> dst
val renderer_limit : renderer -> int
module Manual : sig ... end
module Private : sig ... end

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