Module type
Class type
type t = Piaf.Headers.t
The type of a group of header fields.
val empty : t
is the empty collection of header fields.
of_list assoc
is a collection of header fields defined by the association list assoc
. of_list
assumes the order of header fields in assoc
is the intended transmission order. The following equations should hold:
to_list (of_list lst) = lst
get (of_list [("k", "v1"); ("k", "v2")]) "k" = Some "v2"
.of_list assoc
is a collection of header fields defined by the association list assoc
. of_list
assumes the order of header fields in assoc
is the reverse of the intended trasmission order. The following equations should hold:
to_list (of_rev_list lst) = List.rev lst
get (of_rev_list [("k", "v1"); ("k", "v2")]) "k" = Some "v1"
.to_list t
is the association list of header fields contained in t
in transmission order.
to_rev_list t
is the association list of header fields contained in t
in reverse transmission order.
add t ?sensitive name value
is a collection of header fields that is the same as t
except with (name, value)
added at the end of the trasmission order. Additionally, sensitive
specifies whether this header field should not be compressed by HPACK and instead encoded as a never-indexed literal (see RFC7541§7.1.3 for more details).
The following equations should hold:
get (add t name value) name = Some value
add_unless_exists t ?sensitive name value
is a collection of header fields that is the same as t
if t
already inclues name
, and otherwise is equivalent to add t ?sensitive name value
add_list t assoc
is a collection of header fields that is the same as t
except with all the header fields in assoc
added to the end of the transmission order, in reverse order.
add_multi t assoc
is the same as
(List.concat_map assoc ~f:(fun (name, values) -> values ~f:(fun value -> name, value)))
but is implemented more efficiently. For example,
add_multi t [ "name1", [ "x", "y" ]; "name2", [ "p", "q" ] ]
= add_list [ "name1", "x"; "name1", "y"; "name2", "p"; "name2", "q" ]
remove t name
is a collection of header fields that contains all the header fields of t
except those that have a header-field name that are equal to name
. If t
contains multiple header fields whose name is name
, they will all be removed.
replace t ?sensitive name value
is a collection of header fields that is the same as t
except with all header fields with a name equal to name
removed and replaced with a single header field whose name is name
and whose value is value
. This new header field will appear in the transmission order where the first occurrence of a header field with a name matching name
was found.
If no header field with a name equal to name
is present in t
, then the result is simply t
, unchanged.
mem t name
is true
iff t
includes a header field with a name that is equal to name
get t name
returns the last header from t
with name name
, or None
if no such header is present.
get t name
returns the last header from t
with name name
, or raises if no such header is present.
get_multi t name
is the list of header values in t
whose names are equal to name
. The returned list is in transmission order.
val to_string : t -> string
val pp_hum : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Well_known = Piaf.Headers.Well_known