Module type
Class type
The 'p type parameter is a phantom type parameter that represents the vector's mutability. It is [`R | `W]
for read-write vectors, [`R]
for read-only vectors, or [`W]
for write-only vectors.
val make : ?growth_rate:float -> ?capacity:int -> unit -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t
Constructs a vector with the specified growth rate and capacity.
Reinterprets the specified vector as a read-only vector.
Reinterprets the specified vector as a write-only vector.
val length : ('a, [> ]) t -> int
Returns the length of the specified vector.
val capacity : ('a, [> ]) t -> int
Returns the capacity of the specified vector.
val growth_rate : ('a, [> `R ]) t -> float
Returns the growth rate of the specified vector.
val set_growth_rate : float -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Sets the growth rate of the specified vector to the specified value.
val clear : ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Resets the vector to an empty state.
val get_exn : ('a, [> `R ]) t -> int -> 'a
Gets the value in the vector at the specified index.
val set_exn : ('a, [> `W ]) t -> int -> 'a -> unit
Sets the value in the vector at the specified index to the specified value.
val get : ('a, [> `R ]) t -> int -> 'a option
Gets the value in the vector at the specified index. Returns None if the index is out of range.
val set : ('a, [> `W ]) t -> int -> 'a -> bool
Sets the value in the vector at the specified index to the specified value. Returns false if the index is out of range.
val ensure_capacity : int -> ('a, [> `W ]) t -> unit
Increases the vector's capacity to be at least as large as the specified value.
val reserve : int -> ('a, [> `W ]) t -> unit
Increases the vector's capacity by the specified value.
val shrink_to_fit : ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Shrinks the vector's internal buffer to only be as large as the vector's length.
val push : 'a -> ('a, [> `W ]) t -> unit
Pushes the specified item onto the end of the vector.
val pop : ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> 'a option
Pops off the item from the end of the vector.
Maps the specified function over the vector, returning a new vector. (Functor map
Like map
, but the function also takes the item's index as a parameter.
val map_in_place : ('a -> 'a) -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Like map
, but the transformation is done in-place.
val singleton : 'a -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t
Returns a singleton vector containing the specified item. (Applicative functor pure
Maps the specified function over all combinations of tuples from the 2 specified vectors, returning a new vector. (Applicative functor liftA2
Applies every function from the first vector to every value from the second vector, returning a new vector. (Applicatve functor ap
Flattens nested vectors into a single, one-dimensional vector. (Monad join
Like map
, but flattens the result. (Monad bind
Cartesian product of 2 vectors. (Equivalent to liftA2 (,)
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> unit
Applies the specified function to each item in the vector.
val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> unit
Like iter
, but the function also takes the item's index as a parameter.
Returns a new vector containing only the items from the first vector that satisfy the specified predicate.
Like filter
, but the predicate also takes the item's index as a parameter.
val filter_in_place : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Performs a filter in-place, based on the specified predicate.
val of_list : 'a list -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t
Constructs a vector from the specified list.
val to_list : ('a, [> `R ]) t -> 'a list
Constructs a list from the specified vector.
val of_array : 'a array -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t
Constructs a vector from the specified array.
val to_array : ('a, [> `R ]) t -> 'a array
Constructs an array from the specified vector.
Returns a new vector that contains all the items in the specified vector, but in reverse order.
val rev_in_place : ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Reverses the vector in-place.
Appends the second vector to the first vector.
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> bool
Returns true
if any item in the vector satisfies the specified predicate.
val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> bool
Returns true
if all items in the vector satisfies the specified predicate.
val mem : 'a -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> bool
Returns true
if the specified item exists in the vector. Uses structural equality.
val memq : 'a -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> bool
Returns true
if the specified item exists in the vector. Uses physical equality.
val fold_left : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> 'b
Folds the specified function and default value over the array, from left to right.
val fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> 'b -> 'b
Folds the specified function and default value over the array, from right to left.
Zips the two vectors together.
Zips the two vectors together, using the specified function to combine values.
val sort : ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Sorts the specified vector.
val sort_by : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('a, [ `R | `W ]) t -> unit
Sorts the specified vector using the specified comparison function.
Compares two vectors for equality, using the specified equality function for elements.
Compares two vectors lexicographically, using the specified comparison function for elements.
val pretty_print : ('a -> string) -> ('a, [> `R ]) t -> string
Returns a string representation of the vector, using the specified function to format each value.
val iota : int -> int -> (int, [ `R | `W ]) t
Constructs a vector containing all numbers in the specified range.
module Infix : sig ... end
Contains infix versions of some vector operations.
module Let_syntax : sig ... end
Provides support for OCaml 4.08's binding operator syntax.