package u2f

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

U2F - Universal Second Factor

U2F is a standard for two-factor authentication with special USB or NFC devices. A challenge-response authentication with the device using public key cryptography is done.

This library is stateless, a client of this API has to preserve challenges (for register/authentication session), and for each registered device a quadruple of key handle, public key, certificate, and counter.

A common use of this module is that on startup a t is created. For a registration, first register_request is called (the challenge is preserved, the data is sent to the client), and register_response is called with the client response (and the same challenge). If the verification succeeds, the client information (public key, key handle) is returned. To authenticate the function authentication_request is called with the non-empty list of registered key handles. The resulting challenge is preserved, the data is sent to the client. Upon a response from the client, authentication_response should be called with the association list of key handle and public key, the challenge, and the client response.

type t

The type of a u2f state, containing the version string and application ID.

val create : string -> t

create application_id creates a u2f state with the provided application ID. The application ID is not validated.

type protocol_error = [
  1. | `Other_error
  2. | `Bad_request
  3. | `Configuration_unsupported
  4. | `Device_ineligible
  5. | `Timeout
  6. | `Unrecognized of int

The type of protocol errors, as specified by the standard.

val pp_protocol_error : Format.formatter -> protocol_error -> unit

pp_protocol_error ppf error pretty-prints the protocol error on ppf.

type error = [
  1. | `Protocol of protocol_error
  2. | `Json_decoding of string * string * string
  3. | `Base64_decoding of string * string * string
  4. | `Binary_decoding of string * string * string
  5. | `Version_mismatch of string * string
  6. | `Typ_mismatch of string * string
  7. | `Challenge_mismatch of string * string
  8. | `Unknown_key_handle of string
  9. | `Signature_verification of string
  10. | `Origin_mismatch of string * string

The type of errors when verifying client responses.

val pp_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit

pp_error ppf error pretty-prints the error on ppf.

type challenge = string

The type alias of a challenge.

type key_handle = string

The type alias of a key handle.

val register_request : ?key_handles:key_handle list -> t -> challenge * string

register_request ~key_handles t results in a challenge and data to be sent to the client. The key_handles should be the already registered key handles for this account. The challenge is randomly generated, and unique for this session. It must be passed to register_response.

val register_response : t -> challenge -> string -> ( * key_handle * X509.Certificate.t, error) result

register_response t challenge client_data verifies the client_data with the provided challenge, and data in t (application ID, version). On success, a tuple of public key, key handle, and certificate is returned. On error, the specific error is returned.

val authentication_request : t -> key_handle list -> challenge * string

authentication_request t key_handles randomly generates a challenge, and returns both the challenge (unique for this session, should be preserved and must be passed to authentication_response), and the data to be sent to the client.

val authentication_response : t -> (key_handle * list -> challenge -> string -> ((key_handle * * bool * int32, error) result

authentication_response t key_handle_pub challenge client_data verifies the client_data using the challenge and looks it up in the key_handle_pub associative list. If successful, the used key handle and public key is returned, also a boolen whether the user was present, and the counter - an unsigned 32 bit integer. The counter should be verified to be strictly monotonically increasing for the key handle and public key.


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