package tyxml-lwd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type +'a elt = 'a node live
type doc = [ `Svg ] elt
type +'a attrib
module Xml = Xml
type ('a, 'b) nullary = ?a:'a attrib list -> unit -> 'b elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) unary = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) star = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt list -> 'c elt
type uri = string
val string_of_uri : uri -> string
val uri_of_string : string -> uri
val a_x : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `X ] attrib
val a_y : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Y ] attrib
val a_width : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Width ] attrib
val a_height : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Height ] attrib
val a_preserveAspectRatio : uri Lwd.t -> [> `PreserveAspectRatio ] attrib
val a_zoomAndPan : [< `Disable | `Magnify ] Lwd.t -> [> `ZoomAndSpan ] attrib
val a_href : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Xlink_href ] attrib
val a_requiredExtensions : Svg_types.spacestrings Lwd.t -> [> `RequiredExtension ] attrib
val a_systemLanguage : Svg_types.commastrings Lwd.t -> [> `SystemLanguage ] attrib
val a_externalRessourcesRequired : bool Lwd.t -> [> `ExternalRessourcesRequired ] attrib
val a_id : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Id ] attrib
val a_user_data : uri -> uri Lwd.t -> [> `User_data ] attrib
val a_xml_lang : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Xml_Lang ] attrib
val a_type : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Type ] attrib
val a_media : Svg_types.commastrings Lwd.t -> [> `Media ] attrib
val a_class : Svg_types.spacestrings Lwd.t -> [> `Class ] attrib
val a_style : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Style ] attrib
val a_transform : Svg_types.transforms Lwd.t -> [> `Transform ] attrib
val a_viewBox : Svg_types.fourfloats Lwd.t -> [> `ViewBox ] attrib
val a_d : uri Lwd.t -> [> `D ] attrib
val a_pathLength : float Lwd.t -> [> `PathLength ] attrib
val a_rx : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Rx ] attrib
val a_ry : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Ry ] attrib
val a_cx : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Cx ] attrib
val a_cy : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Cy ] attrib
val a_r : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `R ] attrib
val a_x1 : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `X1 ] attrib
val a_y1 : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Y1 ] attrib
val a_x2 : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `X2 ] attrib
val a_y2 : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Y2 ] attrib
val a_points : Svg_types.coords Lwd.t -> [> `Points ] attrib
val a_x_list : Svg_types.lengths Lwd.t -> [> `X_list ] attrib
val a_y_list : Svg_types.lengths Lwd.t -> [> `Y_list ] attrib
val a_dx : float Lwd.t -> [> `Dx ] attrib
val a_dy : float Lwd.t -> [> `Dy ] attrib
val a_dx_list : Svg_types.lengths Lwd.t -> [> `Dx_list ] attrib
val a_dy_list : Svg_types.lengths Lwd.t -> [> `Dy_list ] attrib
val a_lengthAdjust : [< `Spacing | `SpacingAndGlyphs ] Lwd.t -> [> `LengthAdjust ] attrib
val a_textLength : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `TextLength ] attrib
val a_text_anchor : [< `End | `Inherit | `Middle | `Start ] Lwd.t -> [> `Text_Anchor ] attrib
val a_text_decoration : [< `Blink | `Inherit | `Line_through | `None | `Overline | `Underline ] Lwd.t -> [> `Text_Decoration ] attrib
val a_text_rendering : [< `Auto | `GeometricPrecision | `Inherit | `OptimizeLegibility | `OptimizeSpeed ] Lwd.t -> [> `Text_Rendering ] attrib
val a_rotate : Svg_types.numbers Lwd.t -> [> `Rotate ] attrib
val a_startOffset : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `StartOffset ] attrib
val a_method : [< `Align | `Stretch ] Lwd.t -> [> `Method ] attrib
val a_spacing : [< `Auto | `Exact ] Lwd.t -> [> `Spacing ] attrib
val a_glyphRef : uri Lwd.t -> [> `GlyphRef ] attrib
val a_format : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Format ] attrib
val a_markerUnits : [< `StrokeWidth | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `MarkerUnits ] attrib
val a_refX : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `RefX ] attrib
val a_refY : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `RefY ] attrib
val a_markerWidth : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `MarkerWidth ] attrib
val a_markerHeight : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `MarkerHeight ] attrib
val a_orient : Svg_types.Unit.angle option Lwd.t -> [> `Orient ] attrib
val a_local : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Local ] attrib
val a_rendering_intent : [< `Absolute_colorimetric | `Auto | `Perceptual | `Relative_colorimetric | `Saturation ] Lwd.t -> [> `Rendering_Indent ] attrib
val a_gradientUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [ `GradientUnits ] attrib
val a_gradientTransform : Svg_types.transforms Lwd.t -> [> `Gradient_Transform ] attrib
val a_spreadMethod : [< `Pad | `Reflect | `Repeat ] Lwd.t -> [> `SpreadMethod ] attrib
val a_fx : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Fx ] attrib
val a_fy : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Fy ] attrib
val a_offset : [< `Number of float | `Percentage of float ] Lwd.t -> [> `Offset ] attrib
val a_patternUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `PatternUnits ] attrib
val a_patternContentUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `PatternContentUnits ] attrib
val a_patternTransform : Svg_types.transforms Lwd.t -> [> `PatternTransform ] attrib
val a_clipPathUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `ClipPathUnits ] attrib
val a_maskUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `MaskUnits ] attrib
val a_maskContentUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `MaskContentUnits ] attrib
val a_primitiveUnits : [< `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] Lwd.t -> [> `PrimitiveUnits ] attrib
val a_filterRes : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `FilterResUnits ] attrib
val a_result : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Result ] attrib
val a_in : [< `BackgroundAlpha | `BackgroundImage | `FillPaint | `Ref of uri | `SourceAlpha | `SourceGraphic | `StrokePaint ] Lwd.t -> [> `In ] attrib
val a_in2 : [< `BackgroundAlpha | `BackgroundImage | `FillPaint | `Ref of uri | `SourceAlpha | `SourceGraphic | `StrokePaint ] Lwd.t -> [> `In2 ] attrib
val a_azimuth : float Lwd.t -> [> `Azimuth ] attrib
val a_elevation : float Lwd.t -> [> `Elevation ] attrib
val a_pointsAtX : float Lwd.t -> [> `PointsAtX ] attrib
val a_pointsAtY : float Lwd.t -> [> `PointsAtY ] attrib
val a_pointsAtZ : float Lwd.t -> [> `PointsAtZ ] attrib
val a_specularExponent : float Lwd.t -> [> `SpecularExponent ] attrib
val a_specularConstant : float Lwd.t -> [> `SpecularConstant ] attrib
val a_limitingConeAngle : float Lwd.t -> [> `LimitingConeAngle ] attrib
val a_mode : [< `Darken | `Lighten | `Multiply | `Normal | `Screen ] Lwd.t -> [> `Mode ] attrib
val a_feColorMatrix_type : [< `HueRotate | `LuminanceToAlpha | `Matrix | `Saturate ] Lwd.t -> [> `Typefecolor ] attrib
val a_values : Svg_types.numbers Lwd.t -> [> `Values ] attrib
val a_transfer_type : [< `Discrete | `Gamma | `Identity | `Linear | `Table ] Lwd.t -> [> `Type_transfert ] attrib
val a_tableValues : Svg_types.numbers Lwd.t -> [> `TableValues ] attrib
val a_intercept : float Lwd.t -> [> `Intercept ] attrib
val a_amplitude : float Lwd.t -> [> `Amplitude ] attrib
val a_exponent : float Lwd.t -> [> `Exponent ] attrib
val a_transfer_offset : float Lwd.t -> [> `Offset_transfer ] attrib
val a_feComposite_operator : [< `Arithmetic | `Atop | `In | `Out | `Over | `Xor ] Lwd.t -> [> `OperatorComposite ] attrib
val a_k1 : float Lwd.t -> [> `K1 ] attrib
val a_k2 : float Lwd.t -> [> `K2 ] attrib
val a_k3 : float Lwd.t -> [> `K3 ] attrib
val a_k4 : float Lwd.t -> [> `K4 ] attrib
val a_order : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `Order ] attrib
val a_kernelMatrix : Svg_types.numbers Lwd.t -> [> `KernelMatrix ] attrib
val a_divisor : float Lwd.t -> [> `Divisor ] attrib
val a_bias : float Lwd.t -> [> `Bias ] attrib
val a_kernelUnitLength : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `KernelUnitLength ] attrib
val a_targetX : int Lwd.t -> [> `TargetX ] attrib
val a_targetY : int Lwd.t -> [> `TargetY ] attrib
val a_edgeMode : [< `Duplicate | `None | `Wrap ] Lwd.t -> [> `TargetY ] attrib
val a_preserveAlpha : bool Lwd.t -> [> `TargetY ] attrib
val a_surfaceScale : float Lwd.t -> [> `SurfaceScale ] attrib
val a_diffuseConstant : float Lwd.t -> [> `DiffuseConstant ] attrib
val a_scale : float Lwd.t -> [> `Scale ] attrib
val a_xChannelSelector : [< `A | `B | `G | `R ] Lwd.t -> [> `XChannelSelector ] attrib
val a_yChannelSelector : [< `A | `B | `G | `R ] Lwd.t -> [> `YChannelSelector ] attrib
val a_stdDeviation : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `StdDeviation ] attrib
val a_feMorphology_operator : [< `Dilate | `Erode ] Lwd.t -> [> `OperatorMorphology ] attrib
val a_radius : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `Radius ] attrib
val a_baseFrenquency : Svg_types.number_optional_number Lwd.t -> [> `BaseFrequency ] attrib
val a_numOctaves : int Lwd.t -> [> `NumOctaves ] attrib
val a_seed : float Lwd.t -> [> `Seed ] attrib
val a_stitchTiles : [< `NoStitch | `Stitch ] Lwd.t -> [> `StitchTiles ] attrib
val a_feTurbulence_type : [< `FractalNoise | `Turbulence ] Lwd.t -> [> `TypeStitch ] attrib
val a_target : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Xlink_target ] attrib
val a_attributeName : uri Lwd.t -> [> `AttributeName ] attrib
val a_attributeType : [< `Auto | `CSS | `XML ] Lwd.t -> [> `AttributeType ] attrib
val a_begin : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Begin ] attrib
val a_dur : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Dur ] attrib
val a_min : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Min ] attrib
val a_max : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Max ] attrib
val a_restart : [< `Always | `Never | `WhenNotActive ] Lwd.t -> [> `Restart ] attrib
val a_repeatCount : uri Lwd.t -> [> `RepeatCount ] attrib
val a_repeatDur : uri Lwd.t -> [> `RepeatDur ] attrib
val a_fill : Svg_types.paint Lwd.t -> [> `Fill ] attrib
val a_animation_fill : [< `Freeze | `Remove ] Lwd.t -> [> `Fill_Animation ] attrib
val a_calcMode : [< `Discrete | `Linear | `Paced | `Spline ] Lwd.t -> [> `CalcMode ] attrib
val a_animation_values : Svg_types.strings Lwd.t -> [> `Valuesanim ] attrib
val a_keyTimes : Svg_types.strings Lwd.t -> [> `KeyTimes ] attrib
val a_keySplines : Svg_types.strings Lwd.t -> [> `KeySplines ] attrib
val a_from : uri Lwd.t -> [> `From ] attrib
val a_to : uri Lwd.t -> [> `To ] attrib
val a_by : uri Lwd.t -> [> `By ] attrib
val a_additive : [< `Replace | `Sum ] Lwd.t -> [> `Additive ] attrib
val a_accumulate : [< `None | `Sum ] Lwd.t -> [> `Accumulate ] attrib
val a_keyPoints : Svg_types.numbers_semicolon Lwd.t -> [> `KeyPoints ] attrib
val a_path : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Path ] attrib
val a_animateTransform_type : [ `Rotate | `Scale | `SkewX | `SkewY | `Translate ] Lwd.t -> [ `Typeanimatetransform ] attrib
val a_horiz_origin_x : float Lwd.t -> [> `HorizOriginX ] attrib
val a_horiz_origin_y : float Lwd.t -> [> `HorizOriginY ] attrib
val a_horiz_adv_x : float Lwd.t -> [> `HorizAdvX ] attrib
val a_vert_origin_x : float Lwd.t -> [> `VertOriginX ] attrib
val a_vert_origin_y : float Lwd.t -> [> `VertOriginY ] attrib
val a_vert_adv_y : float Lwd.t -> [> `VertAdvY ] attrib
val a_unicode : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Unicode ] attrib
val a_glyph_name : uri Lwd.t -> [> `glyphname ] attrib
val a_orientation : [< `H | `V ] Lwd.t -> [> `Orientation ] attrib
val a_arabic_form : [< `Initial | `Isolated | `Medial | `Terminal ] Lwd.t -> [> `Arabicform ] attrib
val a_lang : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Lang ] attrib
val a_u1 : uri Lwd.t -> [> `U1 ] attrib
val a_u2 : uri Lwd.t -> [> `U2 ] attrib
val a_g1 : uri Lwd.t -> [> `G1 ] attrib
val a_g2 : uri Lwd.t -> [> `G2 ] attrib
val a_k : uri Lwd.t -> [> `K ] attrib
val a_font_family : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Family ] attrib
val a_font_style : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Style ] attrib
val a_font_variant : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Variant ] attrib
val a_font_weight : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Weight ] attrib
val a_font_stretch : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Stretch ] attrib
val a_font_size : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Font_Size ] attrib
val a_unicode_range : uri Lwd.t -> [> `UnicodeRange ] attrib
val a_units_per_em : uri Lwd.t -> [> `UnitsPerEm ] attrib
val a_stemv : float Lwd.t -> [> `Stemv ] attrib
val a_stemh : float Lwd.t -> [> `Stemh ] attrib
val a_slope : float Lwd.t -> [> `Slope ] attrib
val a_cap_height : float Lwd.t -> [> `CapHeight ] attrib
val a_x_height : float Lwd.t -> [> `XHeight ] attrib
val a_accent_height : float Lwd.t -> [> `AccentHeight ] attrib
val a_ascent : float Lwd.t -> [> `Ascent ] attrib
val a_widths : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Widths ] attrib
val a_bbox : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Bbox ] attrib
val a_ideographic : float Lwd.t -> [> `Ideographic ] attrib
val a_alphabetic : float Lwd.t -> [> `Alphabetic ] attrib
val a_mathematical : float Lwd.t -> [> `Mathematical ] attrib
val a_hanging : float Lwd.t -> [> `Hanging ] attrib
val a_videographic : float Lwd.t -> [> `VIdeographic ] attrib
val a_v_alphabetic : float Lwd.t -> [> `VAlphabetic ] attrib
val a_v_mathematical : float Lwd.t -> [> `VMathematical ] attrib
val a_v_hanging : float Lwd.t -> [> `VHanging ] attrib
val a_underline_position : float Lwd.t -> [> `UnderlinePosition ] attrib
val a_underline_thickness : float Lwd.t -> [> `UnderlineThickness ] attrib
val a_strikethrough_position : float Lwd.t -> [> `StrikethroughPosition ] attrib
val a_strikethrough_thickness : float Lwd.t -> [> `StrikethroughThickness ] attrib
val a_overline_position : float Lwd.t -> [> `OverlinePosition ] attrib
val a_overline_thickness : float Lwd.t -> [> `OverlineThickness ] attrib
val a_string : uri Lwd.t -> [> `String ] attrib
val a_name : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Name ] attrib
val a_alignment_baseline : [< `After_edge | `Alphabetic | `Auto | `Baseline | `Before_edge | `Central | `Hanging | `Ideographic | `Inherit | `Mathematical | `Middle | `Text_after_edge | `Text_before_edge ] Lwd.t -> [> `Alignment_Baseline ] attrib
val a_dominant_baseline : [< `Alphabetic | `Auto | `Central | `Hanging | `Ideographic | `Inherit | `Mathematical | `Middle | `No_change | `Reset_size | `Text_after_edge | `Text_before_edge | `Use_script ] Lwd.t -> [> `Dominant_Baseline ] attrib
val a_stop_color : uri Lwd.t -> [> `Stop_Color ] attrib
val a_stop_opacity : float Lwd.t -> [> `Stop_Opacity ] attrib
val a_stroke : Svg_types.paint Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke ] attrib
val a_stroke_width : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Width ] attrib
val a_stroke_linecap : [< `Butt | `Round | `Square ] Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Linecap ] attrib
val a_stroke_linejoin : [< `Bever | `Miter | `Round ] Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Linejoin ] attrib
val a_stroke_miterlimit : float Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Miterlimit ] attrib
val a_stroke_dasharray : Svg_types.Unit.length list Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Dasharray ] attrib
val a_stroke_dashoffset : Svg_types.Unit.length Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Dashoffset ] attrib
val a_stroke_opacity : float Lwd.t -> [> `Stroke_Opacity ] attrib
val a_onabort : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnAbort ] attrib
val a_onactivate : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnActivate ] attrib
val a_onbegin : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnBegin ] attrib
val a_onend : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnEnd ] attrib
val a_onerror : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnError ] attrib
val a_onfocusin : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnFocusIn ] attrib
val a_onfocusout : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnFocusOut ] attrib
val a_onrepeat : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnRepeat ] attrib
val a_onresize : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnResize ] attrib
val a_onscroll : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnScroll ] attrib
val a_onunload : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnUnload ] attrib
val a_onzoom : Xml.event_handler -> [> `OnZoom ] attrib
val a_onclick : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnClick ] attrib
val a_onmousedown : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnMouseDown ] attrib
val a_onmouseup : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnMouseUp ] attrib
val a_onmouseover : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnMouseOver ] attrib
val a_onmouseout : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnMouseOut ] attrib
val a_onmousemove : Xml.mouse_event_handler -> [> `OnMouseMove ] attrib
val a_ontouchstart : Xml.touch_event_handler -> [> `OnTouchStart ] attrib
val a_ontouchend : Xml.touch_event_handler -> [> `OnTouchEnd ] attrib
val a_ontouchmove : Xml.touch_event_handler -> [> `OnTouchMove ] attrib
val a_ontouchcancel : Xml.touch_event_handler -> [> `OnTouchCancel ] attrib
val txt : uri Lwd.t -> [> Svg_types.txt ] elt
val metadata : ?a:Svg_types.metadata_attr attrib list -> Xml.elt list -> [> Svg_types.metadata ] elt
val foreignObject : ?a:Svg_types.foreignobject_attr attrib list -> Xml.elt list -> [> Svg_types.foreignobject ] elt

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