package twirp_tiny_httpd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Twirp for tiny_httpd.

This implements the server end of

module Error = Twirp_core.Error
module Error_codes = Twirp_core.Error_codes
val fail : ?msg:string -> Error_codes.t -> 'a
val failf : Error_codes.t -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
type handler =
  1. | Handler : {
    1. rpc : ('req, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary, 'res, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary) Pbrt_services.Server.rpc;
    2. f : 'req -> 'res;
    } -> handler

A request handler, specialized for Twirp.

Create a handler.

val add_service : ?middlewares:Tiny_httpd.Middleware.t list -> ?prefix:string option -> Tiny_httpd.t -> handler Pbrt_services.Server.t -> unit

add_service http_server service adds all handlers of service to the given httpd.

As a reminder, a RPC "foo" under service "bar" is routed under prefix/bar/foo using the POST method. The body is either binary, alongside the header "application/protobuf", or JSON, alongside the header "application/json". Errors are always encoded as a JSON object and are indicated by a failing HTTP code (outside of 200…299 range).

RPCs that use streaming (on either the client or server side) will always return "501 unimplemented", because twirp over http 1.1 does not support streaming.


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