package tube

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Typesafe abstraction on top of Lwt_io channels


Dune Dependency





Ok, really nothing to see here, some Pipe abstraction on top of Lwt_io channels

Why did I do this thing, and not using directly Lwt_io channels (or even better, Async Pipes)?

Because of things like this
Quite easy to do it wrong, so for very basic operations when working with local data,
we can use this (I surely am), brings a little bit more of a type safety
into all that write/read value to channels.

How to build:

opam install jbuilder core lwt

How to use:

>  module Pipe = Tube.Make(struct type t = string end);;
module Pipe :
		type t = string
		type reader
		type writer
		val create : unit -> reader * writer
		val write : t -> writer -> unit Lwt.t
		val read : reader -> t Lwt.t
> let (reader, writer) = Pipe.create ();;
val reader : Pipe.reader = <abstr>
val writer : Pipe.writer = <abstr>
> Pipe.write "something" writer;;
- : unit = ()
> Lwt.( reader >>= fun s -> Lwt_io.printlf "My fancy value: %s" s);;
My fancy value: something
- : unit = ()
> Pipe.write 911 writer;;
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type

or, for write with pushback:

> let (reader, writer) = Pipe.create ();;
val reader : Pipe.reader = <abstr>
val writer : Pipe.writer = <abstr>
> Pipe.write_with_pushback "something" writer;;
(* This will block, when using inside of `utop`, till something reads from the created `reader`; *)
(* when doing this write in a different context than `utop`, the produced Lwt.t will not move on *)
(* until something will read from the `reader` *)

or, for custom data types:

> type roman_numeral = I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X;;
type roman_numeral = I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X
> module Pipe = Tube.Make(struct type t = roman_numeral end);;
module Pipe :
		type t = roman_numeral
		type reader
		type writer
		val create : unit -> reader * writer
		val write : t -> writer -> unit Lwt.t
		val read : reader -> t Lwt.t
> let (reader, writer) = Pipe.create ();;
val reader : Pipe.reader = <abstr>
val writer : Pipe.writer = <abstr>
> Pipe.write IX writer;;
- : unit = ()
> Lwt.( reader >>= fun s ->
match s with
| IX -> Lwt_io.printl "9"
| _ -> Lwt_io.printl "Don't care...");;
- : unit = ()
> Pipe.write "not cool" writer;;
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type