package travesty

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Make_container0 makes a S0_container from a Basic_container0.



include Types_intf.S0 with type t := I.t with type elt := I.Elt.t
include Generic_container with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t
include Types_intf.Generic with type 'a t := I.t with type 'a elt := I.Elt.t
module On_monad (M : Base.Monad.S) : Generic_on_monad with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t and module M := M

On_monad implements monadic traversal operators for a given monad M.

We can do generic container operations.

include Base.Container.Generic with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t

We can do non-monadic mapping operations.

include Mappable.Generic with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t

Generic refers to the container type as 'a t, and the element type as 'a elt; substitute t/elt (arity-0) or 'a t/'a (arity-1) accordingly below.

include Types_intf.Generic with type 'a t := I.t with type 'a elt := I.Elt.t
val fold_map : I.t -> f:('acc -> I.Elt.t -> 'acc * I.Elt.t) -> init:'acc -> 'acc * I.t

fold_map c ~f ~init folds f over every t in c, threading through an accumulator with initial value init.

val mapi : f:( -> I.Elt.t -> I.Elt.t) -> I.t -> I.t

mapi ~f t maps f across t, passing in an increasing position counter.

module With_errors : Generic_on_monad with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t and module M := Base.Or_error

With_errors specialises On_monad to the error monad.

include Mappable.S0_container with type t := I.t and type elt := I.Elt.t
include Mappable.S0 with type t := I.t with type elt := I.Elt.t
include Types_intf.S0 with type t := I.t with type elt := I.Elt.t
include Mappable.Generic with type 'a t := I.t and type 'a elt := I.Elt.t

Generic refers to the container type as 'a t, and the element type as 'a elt; substitute t/elt (arity-0) or 'a t/'a (arity-1) accordingly below.

include Types_intf.Generic with type 'a t := I.t with type 'a elt := I.Elt.t
val map : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> I.Elt.t) -> I.t

map c ~f maps f over every t in c.

include Base.Container.S0 with type t := I.t and type elt := I.Elt.t
val mem : I.t -> I.Elt.t -> bool
val length : I.t -> int
val is_empty : I.t -> bool
val iter : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> unit) -> unit
val fold : I.t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> I.Elt.t -> 'accum) -> 'accum
val fold_result : I.t -> init:'accum -> f:('accum -> I.Elt.t -> ('accum, 'e) Base__.Result.t) -> ('accum, 'e) Base__.Result.t
val fold_until : I.t -> init:'accum -> f: ('accum -> I.Elt.t -> ('accum, 'final) Base__.Container_intf.Continue_or_stop.t) -> finish:('accum -> 'final) -> 'final
val exists : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> bool) -> bool
val count : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> bool) -> int
val sum : (module Base__.Commutative_group.S with type t = 'sum) -> I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> 'sum) -> 'sum
val find : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> bool) -> I.Elt.t option
val find_map : I.t -> f:(I.Elt.t -> 'a option) -> 'a option
val to_list : I.t -> I.Elt.t list
val to_array : I.t -> I.Elt.t array
val min_elt : I.t -> compare:(I.Elt.t -> I.Elt.t -> int) -> I.Elt.t option
val max_elt : I.t -> compare:(I.Elt.t -> I.Elt.t -> int) -> I.Elt.t option

Innovation. Community. Security.