Module type
Class type
Transform an evaluated AST into prenex form, CNF and QDIMACS.
The order of calls is prenex
-> cnf
-> print_qdimacs
From an evaluated AST, you want to
val prenex : ?debug:bool -> Types.AstSet.elt -> Types.Ast.t
prenex ast
takes an evaluated AST and applies the transformation rules in order to transform an evaluated AST into Prenex Normal Form (PNF).
IMPORTANT Because we do not know any to transform 'xor' and '<=>', these two connectors will be re-written using the other connectors.
val cnf : ?debug_cnf:bool -> Types.Ast.t -> Types.AstSet.elt
cnf ast
calls Cnf.ast_to_cnf
on the inner formula (with no quantifiers) and existentially quantifies any Tseitlin variable in an innermost way.
must be in Prenex Normal Form.
val qbfclauses_of_cnf :
Types.Ast.t ->
int quantlist list * int list list * (int, string) Hashtbl.t
translates an AST (which is in CNF) to the tuple (quants, int_clauses, int_table)
is a list of quantlist which reprensents the grouped quantifiers in the Prenex Normal Form.int_clauses
a list of lists of integers which represents the CNF formula embedded in the Prenex Normal Form.int_table
is the mapping table from litteral integers to names.val print_qdimacs :
?debug_dimacs:bool ->
(int quantlist list * int list list * (int, string) Hashtbl.t) ->
?out_table:out_channel ->
out_channel ->
print_qdimacs (quants, int_clauses, int_table) out
takes the result of qbfclauses_of_cnf
and prints the following:
is given, print the mapping table from litterals integers to names. If out
and out_table
are the same, then the mapping table will be printed in DIMACS comments (e.g., 'c p(a,b) 5').val is_unquant : Types.AstSet.elt -> bool
checks that the given formula does not contain any quantors.
val is_prenex : Types.AstSet.elt -> bool
val regroup_quantors :
Types.Ast.t ->
string quantlist list ->
string quantlist list * Types.Ast.t
gathers all succeeding Forall and Exists to a list of list such that each sublist only contains one type of quantor. Example:
Forall ("a",Forall ("b",Exists ("c", Forall ("d",_)))
[A of ["a";"b"]; E of ["c"]; A of ["d"]]