Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
type var = string * t list option
and t =
| Touist_code of t list
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Bool of bool
| Var of var
| Set of AstSet.t
| Set_decl of t list
| Neg of t
| Add of t * t
| Sub of t * t
| Mul of t * t
| Div of t * t
| Mod of t * t
| Sqrt of t
| To_int of t
| To_float of t
| Abs of t
| Top
| Bottom
| Not of t
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Xor of t * t
| Implies of t * t
| Equiv of t * t
| Equal of t * t
| Not_equal of t * t
| Lesser_than of t * t
| Lesser_or_equal of t * t
| Greater_than of t * t
| Greater_or_equal of t * t
| Union of t * t
| Inter of t * t
| Diff of t * t
| Range of t * t
| Empty of t
| Card of t
| Subset of t * t
| Powerset of t
| In of t * t
| If of t * t * t
| Exact of t * t
| Atleast of t * t
| Atmost of t * t
| Bigand of t list * t list * t option * t
| Bigor of t list * t list * t option * t
| Let of t * t * t
| Affect of t * t
| UnexpProp of string * t list option
is a proposition that contains unexpanded variables; we cannot tranform UnexpProp
into Prop
before knowing what is the content of the variables. Examples:
abcd(1,$d,$i,a) <- not a full-string yet*)
| Prop of string
contains the actual proposition after the evaluation has been run. Example: if $d=foo and $i=123, then the Prop
abcd(1,foo,123,a) <- an actual string that represents an actual logical proposition*)
| Loc of t * TouistErr.loc
is a clever (or ugly, you pick) way of keeping the locations in the text of the Ast.t elements. In touistParser.mly, each production rule gives its location in the original text; for example, instead of simply returning Inter (x,y)
the parser will return Loc (Inter (x,y), ($startpos,$endpos))
is used in eval.ml when checking the types; it allows to give precise locations.
| Paren of t
keeps track of the parenthesis in the AST in order to print latex
| Exists of t * t
| Forall of t * t
| For of t * t * t
| NewlineAfter of t
| NewlineBefore of t