package topkg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Build configuration.

Tool lookup

If your package description needs to run tools (e.g. in the pre and post build hooks, see build) it should get the tool to invoke with the following function. This allows to control the executable being run which is useful for cross-compilation scenarios.

type os = [
  1. | `Build_os
  2. | `Host_os

The type for operating systems.

  • `Build_os is the build OS, the OS on which the package is built.
  • `Host_os is the host OS, the OS on which the package is hosted and runs.
val tool : string -> os -> Cmd.t

tool cmd os is a command cmd which can be run on the build OS which produces output suitable for the OS os.

The actual command returned depends on the following lookup procedure, here exemplified on the invocation tool "mytool" `Host_os (resp. `Build_os).

  1. Cmd.v "cmd", if the environment variable HOST_OS_MYTOOL (resp. BUILD_OS_MYTOOL) is set to "cmd"
  2. Cmd.v (Fpath.append path "mytool"), if the environment variable HOST_OS_XBIN (resp. BUILD_OS_BIN) is set to path.
  3. Cmd.v ("mytool" ^ "suff"), if the environment variable HOST_OS_SUFF (resp. BUILD_OS_SUFF).
  4. Cmd.(v "ocamlfind" % "mytool") if "mytool" is part of the OCaml tools that can be invoked through ocamlfind.
  5. Cmd.v "mytool" otherwise.

Key value converters

type 'a conv

The type for key value converters.

val conv : ?docv:string -> (string -> 'a result) -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a conv

conv ~docv parse print is a configuration value converter parsing values with parse and printing them with print. docv is a documentation meta-variable used in the documentation to stand for the configuration value, defaults to "VALUE".

val bool : bool conv

bool is a converter for booleans.

val int : int conv

int is a converter for integers.

val string : string conv

string is a converter for strings.

val fpath : fpath conv

fpath is a converter for file paths.

val some : ?none:string -> 'a conv -> 'a option conv

some conv is like conv but wraps the parsed value in Some. none is the string printed for None by the converter printer, defaults to "".


Warning. Configuration keys must be created before the call to Pkg.describe. Yes you are right, that's a little bit dirty.

type 'a key

The type for configuration keys whose lookup value is of type 'a.

A configuration key has a name and represents a value of type 'a in a build configuration. If "name" is the name of the key then its value can be specified on the command line using --name v where v is the value of the key and is parsed according to the key's value converter.

There are a few predefined key, see the configuration section.

val key : ?docv:string -> ?doc:string -> ?env:string -> string -> 'a conv -> absent:'a -> 'a key

key name conv ~absent ~env ~doc ~docv is a configuration key with name name parsed from the command line with conv. absent is used if the value is not specified on the command line. If env is specified and exists in the process environment, the value of the variable is parsed with conv and used instead of absent when needed.

doc is a documentation string for the key. docv is a meta is a documentation to stand for the key value, defaults to the docv of conv. In doc occurences of the substring "$(docv)" are replaced by the value of docv.

val discovered_key : ?docv:string -> ?doc:string -> ?env:string -> string -> 'a conv -> absent:(unit -> 'a result) -> 'a key

discovered_key is like key but the absent value is discovered, if needed, with absent.

val with_pkg : ?default:bool -> string -> bool key

with_pkg ~default pkg is a boolean configuration key named (strf "with-%s" pkg) to assert existence of OPAM packages. If absent defaults to default.

Usually specified in OPAM build instructions with:

"--with-thatpkg" "%{thatpkg:installed}%"

along with an entry in the depopt field of the OPAM file.

Warning. Only use this combinator for denoting OPAM package existence, the resulting key may switch to a discovery process in the future.


type t

The type for configurations.

val value : t -> 'a key -> 'a

value c k is the value of configuration key k in c.

val pkg_name : t -> string

pkg_name c is either the value of the package name as given to Pkg.describe or the value of a predefined key --pkg-name which overrides the package name. This defines the name of the generated OPAM install file. Used to handle multiple OPAM packages.

val build_dir : t -> fpath

build_dir c is either the value of build directory as given to Pkg.describe via build or the value of a predefined key --build-dir which overrides the package definition.

val vcs : t -> bool

vcs c is the value of a predefined key --vcs. It is true if the package directory is VCS managed. Usually should not be specified manually: if absent it is determined automatically by using Topkg.Vcs.find and used to determine the build_context.

val pinned : t -> bool

pinned c is the value of a predefined key --pinned. It is true if the build is initiated by an installer like OPAM and the package is pinned. If absent defaults to false. Usually specified in OPAM build instructions with "--pinned" "%{pinned}%".

type build_context = [
  1. | `Dev
  2. | `Distrib
  3. | `Pin

The type for build contexts. See build_context for semantics.

val build_context : t -> [ `Dev | `Distrib | `Pin ]

build_context c is the build context of c. This is derived from vcs and pinned as follows.

  • `Distrib iff not (vcs c). No VCS is present, this is a build from a distribution. If there are configuration bits they should be setup according to the build configuration.
  • `Dev iff vcs c && not (pinned c). This is a development build invoked manually in a source repository. The repository checkout should likely not be touched and configuration bits not be setup. This is happening for example if the developer is testing the package description in her working source repository by invoking pkg/ or topkg build.
  • `Pin iff vcs c && pinned c. This is a package manager pin build. In this case the repository checkout may need to be massaged into a pseudo-distribution for the package to be installed. This means that distribution watermarking and massaging should be performed, see distrib and the prepare_on_pin argument of build. Besides exisiting configuration bits should be setup according to the build environment.
val build_tests : t -> bool

build_tests c is the value of a predefined key --tests that indicates if the tests should be built. If absent the value depends on the build_context, it is true in the `Dev context and false in the other contexts.

val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

dump ppf c formats an unspecified representation of c on ppf.

OCaml configuration

module OCaml : sig ... end

OCaml configuration.


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