package tls

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val empty : 'a list -> bool
val change_cipher_spec : Packet.content_type * Cstruct.t
val host_name_opt : string option -> [ `host ] Domain_name.t option
val hostname : Core.client_hello -> [ `host ] Domain_name.t option
val get_secure_renegotiation : [> `SecureRenegotiation of 'a ] list -> 'a option
val get_alpn_protocols : Core.client_hello -> string list option
val get_alpn_protocol : Core.server_hello -> string option
val empty_session : State.session_data
val session_of_epoch : Core.epoch_data -> State.session_data
val supported_protocol_version : (Core.tls_version * Core.tls_version) -> Core.tls_any_version -> Core.tls_version option
val to_client_ext_type : [< `ALPN of 'a | `ECPointFormats of 'b | `EllipticCurves of 'c | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname of 'd | `MaxFragmentLength of 'e | `Padding of 'f | `SecureRenegotiation of 'g | `SignatureAlgorithms of 'h | `UnknownExtension of 'i ] -> [> `ALPN | `ECPointFormats | `EllipticCurves | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname | `MaxFragmentLength | `Padding | `SecureRenegotiation | `SignatureAlgorithms | `UnknownExtension ]
val to_server_ext_type : [< `ALPN of 'a | `ECPointFormats of 'b | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname | `MaxFragmentLength of 'c | `SecureRenegotiation of 'd | `UnknownExtension of 'e ] -> [> `ALPN | `ECPointFormats | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname | `MaxFragmentLength | `SecureRenegotiation | `UnknownExtension ]
val extension_types : ('a -> [> `UnknownExtension ] as 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val server_exts_subset_of_client : [< `ALPN of 'a | `ECPointFormats of 'b | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname | `MaxFragmentLength of 'c | `SecureRenegotiation of 'd | `UnknownExtension of 'e ] list -> [< `ALPN of 'f | `ECPointFormats of 'g | `EllipticCurves of 'h | `ExtendedMasterSecret | `Hostname of 'i | `MaxFragmentLength of 'j | `Padding of 'k | `SecureRenegotiation of 'l | `SignatureAlgorithms of 'm | `UnknownExtension of 'n ] list -> bool
val client_hello_valid : Core.client_hello -> bool
val server_hello_valid : Core.server_hello -> bool
val (<+>) : Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t
val signature : Core.tls_version -> Cstruct.t -> (Ciphersuite.H.t * Packet.signature_algorithm_type) list option -> Ciphersuite.H.t list -> Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv -> Cstruct.t State.t
val verify_digitally_signed : Core.tls_version -> Ciphersuite.H.t list -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t -> X509.Certificate.t option -> unit State.t
val validate_chain : (host:'a -> X509.Certificate.t list -> (('b list * 'c) option, State.V_err.t) Stdlib.result) option -> Cstruct.t list -> 'a -> (X509.Certificate.t option * X509.Certificate.t list * 'b list * 'c option) State.t

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