package tls-eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Effectful operations using Eio for pure TLS.

The pure TLS is state and buffer in, state and buffer out. This module uses Eio for communication over the network.

exception Tls_alert of Tls.Packet.alert_type

Tls_alert exception received from the other endpoint

exception Tls_failure of Tls.Engine.failure

Tls_failure exception while processing incoming data

type t = [ `Tls | Eio.Flow.two_way_ty | Eio.Resource.close_ty ] Eio.Std.r


val server_of_flow : Tls.Config.server -> [> Eio.Flow.two_way_ty | Eio.Resource.close_ty ] Eio.Std.r -> t

server_of_flow server flow is t, after server-side TLS handshake of flow using server configuration.

You must ensure a RNG is installed while using TLS, e.g. using Mirage_crypto_rng_eio. Ideally, this would be part of the server config so you couldn't forget it, but for now you'll get a runtime error if you forget.

val client_of_flow : Tls.Config.client -> ?host:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> [> Eio.Flow.two_way_ty | Eio.Resource.close_ty ] Eio.Std.r -> t

client_of_flow client ~host fd is t, after client-side TLS handshake of flow using client configuration and host.

You must ensure a RNG is installed while using TLS, e.g. using Mirage_crypto_rng_eio. Ideally, this would be part of the client config so you couldn't forget it, but for now you'll get a runtime error if you forget.

Control of TLS features

val reneg : ?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t -> ?acceptable_cas:X509.Distinguished_name.t list -> ?cert:Tls.Config.own_cert -> ?drop:bool -> t -> unit

reneg ~authenticator ~acceptable_cas ~cert ~drop t renegotiates the session, and blocks until the renegotiation finished. Optionally, a new authenticator and acceptable_cas can be used. The own certificate can be adjusted by cert. If drop is true (the default), application data received before the renegotiation finished is dropped.

val key_update : ?request:bool -> t -> unit

key_update ~request t updates the traffic key and requests a traffic key update from the peer if request is provided and true (the default). This is only supported in TLS 1.3.

val epoch : t -> (Tls.Core.epoch_data, unit) Stdlib.result

epoch t returns epoch, which contains information of the active session.


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