package tls-async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Session : sig ... end

Low-level API for working with TLS sessions. Most applications should use the high-level API below

module X509_async : sig ... end

Helper functions for Async_unix-specific IO operations commonly used with X509 certificates, such as loading from a Unix filesystem

val listen : ?buffer_age_limit:Async.Writer.buffer_age_limit -> ?max_connections:int -> ?max_accepts_per_batch:int -> ?backlog:int -> ?socket: ([ `Unconnected ], [< Async.Socket.Address.t ] as 'address) Async.Socket.t -> on_handler_error:[ `Call of 'address -> exn -> unit | `Ignore | `Raise ] -> Tls.Config.server -> ('address, 'listening_on) Async.Tcp.Where_to_listen.t -> ('address -> Session.t -> Async.Reader.t -> Async.Writer.t -> unit Async.Deferred.t) -> ('address, 'listening_on) Async.Tcp.Server.t Async.Deferred.t

listen creates a Tcp.Server.t with the requested parameters, including those specified in Tls.Config.server. The handler function exposes the low-level Session.t to accommodate cases like interrogating a client certificate

type 'a io_handler = Async.Reader.t -> Async.Writer.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t
type 'a tls_handler = Session.t -> 'a io_handler
val upgrade_server_handler : config:Tls.Config.server -> 'a tls_handler -> 'a io_handler

upgrade_server_handler is what listen calls to handle each client. It is exposed so that low-level end-users of the library can use tls-async inside of code that manages Tcp services directly.

The tls_handler argument will be called with the client Tls session, reader and writer to be used for cleartext data.

The outer reader and writer will read encrypted data from and write encrypted data to the connected socket.

connect behaves similarly to Tcp.connect, exposing a cleartext reader and writer. Callers should ensure they close the Writer.t and wait for the unit Deferred.t returned by `Closed_and_flushed_downstream to completely shut down the TLS connection

host is used for peer name verification and should generally be provided. Passing None will disable peer name verification unless peer_name was provided in the Tls.Config.client. If both are present host overwrites peer_name.


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