package tiny_httpd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


Requests are sent by a client, e.g. a web browser or cURL. From the point of view of the server, they're inputs.

type 'body t = private {
  1. meth : Meth.t;

    HTTP method for this request.

  2. host : string;

    Host header, mandatory. It can also be found in headers.

  3. client_addr : Unix.sockaddr;

    Client address. Available since 0.14.

  4. headers : Headers.t;

    List of headers.

  5. mutable meta : Hmap.t;


    • since 0.17
  6. http_version : int * int;

    HTTP version. This should be either 1, 0 or 1, 1.

  7. path : string;

    Full path of the requested URL.

  8. path_components : string list;

    Components of the path of the requested URL.

  9. query : (string * string) list;

    Query part of the requested URL.

  10. body : 'body;

    Body of the request.

  11. start_time : float;

    Obtained via get_time_s in create

    • since 0.11

A request with method, path, host, headers, and a body, sent by a client.

The body is polymorphic because the request goes through several transformations. First it has no body, as only the request and headers are read; then it has a stream body; then the body might be entirely read as a string via read_body_full.

  • since 0.6 The field [query] was added and contains the query parameters in ["?foo=bar,x=y"]
  • since 0.6 The field [path_components] is the part of the path that precedes [query] and is split on ["/"].
  • since 0.11 the type is a private alias
  • since 0.11 the field [start_time] was added
val add_meta : _ t -> 'a Hmap.key -> 'a -> unit

Add metadata

  • since 0.17
val get_meta : _ t -> 'a Hmap.key -> 'a option

Get metadata

  • since 0.17
val get_meta_exn : _ t -> 'a Hmap.key -> 'a

Like get_meta but can fail

  • since 0.17
val pp_with : ?mask_header:(string -> bool) -> ?headers_to_mask:string list -> ?show_query:bool -> ?pp_body:(Format.formatter -> 'body -> unit) -> unit -> Format.formatter -> 'body t -> unit

Pretty print the request. The exact format of this printing is not specified.

  • parameter mask_header

    function which is given each header name. If it returns true, the header's value is masked. The presence of the header is still printed. Default fun _ -> false.

  • parameter headers_to_mask

    a list of headers masked by default. Default is "authorization"; "cookie". @show_query if true (default true), the query part of the request is shown.

  • parameter pp_body

    body printer (default prints "?" instead of the body, which works even for stream bodies)

val pp : Format.formatter -> string t -> unit

Pretty print the request and its body. The exact format of this printing is not specified.

val pp_ : Format.formatter -> _ t -> unit

Pretty print the request without its body. The exact format of this printing is not specified.

val headers : _ t -> Headers.t

List of headers of the request, including "Host".

val get_header : ?f:(string -> string) -> _ t -> string -> string option

get_header req h looks up header h in req. It returns None if the header is not present. This is case insensitive and should be used rather than looking up h verbatim in headers.

val get_header_int : _ t -> string -> int option

Same as get_header but also performs a string to integer conversion.

val set_header : string -> string -> 'a t -> 'a t

set_header k v req sets k: v in the request req's headers.

val remove_header : string -> 'a t -> 'a t

Remove one instance of this header.

  • since 0.17
val update_headers : (Headers.t -> Headers.t) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Modify headers using the given function.

  • since 0.11
val set_body : 'a -> _ t -> 'a t

set_body b req returns a new query whose body is b.

  • since 0.11
val host : _ t -> string

Host field of the request. It also appears in the headers.

val client_addr : _ t -> Unix.sockaddr

Client address of the request.

  • since 0.16
val meth : _ t -> Meth.t

Method for the request.

val path : _ t -> string

Request path.

val query : _ t -> (string * string) list

Decode the query part of the path field.

  • since 0.4
val body : 'b t -> 'b

Request body, possibly empty.

val start_time : _ t -> float

time stamp (from Unix.gettimeofday) after parsing the first line of the request

  • since 0.11
val limit_body_size : max_size:int -> bytes:bytes -> IO.Input.t t -> IO.Input.t t

Limit the body size to max_size bytes, or return a 413 error.

  • since 0.3
val read_body_full : ?bytes:bytes -> ?buf_size:int -> IO.Input.t t -> string t

Read the whole body into a string. Potentially blocking.

  • parameter buf_size

    initial size of underlying buffer (since 0.11)

  • parameter bytes

    the initial buffer (since 0.14)


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