package tezt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Test framework for unit tests, integration tests, and regression tests


Dune Dependency






Tezt (pronounced "tezty", as in "tasty" with a "z") is a test framework for OCaml. It is well suited for writing and executing unit, integration and regression tests. It integrates well with continuous integration (CI).


The documentation contains:

  • the API, which includes an introduction to Tezt as well as documentation for all modules;

  • the default --help, which includes how to select tests from the command-line.

Getting Started


Install with opam:

opam install tezt

Write a Test

Create a file such as test/

(* [Tezt] and its submodule [Base] are designed to be opened.
   [Tezt] is the main module of the library and it only contains submodules,
   such as [Test] which is used below.
   [Tezt.Base] contains values such as [unit] which is used below. *)
open Tezt
open Tezt.Base

(* Register as many tests as you want like this. *)
let () =
    (* [~__FILE__] contains the name of the file in which the test is defined.
       It allows to select tests to run based on their filename. *)
    (* Titles uniquely identify tests so that they can be individually selected. *)
    ~title: "demo"
    (* Tags are another way to group tests together to select them. *)
    ~tags: [ "math"; "addition" ]
  @@ fun () ->
  (* Here is the actual test. *)
  if 1 + 1 <> 2 then "expected 1 + 1 = 2, got %d" (1 + 1);
  (* Here is another way to write the same test. *)
  Check.((1 + 1 = 2) int) ~error_msg: "expected 1 + 1 = %R, got %L"; "Math is safe today.";
  (* [unit] is [Lwt.return ()]. *)

(* Call the main function of Tezt so that it actually runs your tests. *)
let () = ()

Then create a test/dune file:

(test (name main) (libraries tezt))

You can now run your test with dune runtest. However dune runtest is limited because you cannot pass command-line arguments. Usually, you would instead run something like:

dune exec test/main.exe -- -i

This should show you:

[09:04:06.395] Math is safe today.
[09:04:06.395] [SUCCESS] (1/1) demo

The -i flag is a short-hand for --info and sets the log level so that you can see the result of the call to

To see the list of command-line options, in particular how to select tests from the command-line, how to run them in parallel and how to produce reports, run:

dune exec test/main.exe -- --help

or just look them up in the documentation.


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