package tezos-shell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type FILTER = sig ... end

Type of a protocol-specific mempool filter plugin.

module type RPC = sig ... end

Type of a protocol-specific RPC plug-in.

Dummy filter that does nothing

module type METRICS = sig ... end

This is a protocol specific module that is used to collect all the * protocol-specific metrics. This module * allows to decode protocol data payload and provide back basic * types that can be used as metrics.

module Undefined_metrics_plugin (P : sig ... end) : METRICS

Emtpy metrics module. All metrics are -1.

type filter_t =
  1. | Recent of (module FILTER)
  2. | Legacy of (module Legacy_mempool_plugin.FILTER)

Juggling between recent filter version FILTER, designed for Lima (environment V7) and newer protocols, and legacy filter version Legacy_mempool_plugin.FILTER.

Dummy filter that does nothing.

val register_filter : (module FILTER) -> unit

Register a mempool filter plugin for a specific protocol (according to its Proto.hash). The protocol must be Lima or a more recent one.

val register_legacy_filter : (module Legacy_mempool_plugin.FILTER) -> unit

Register a mempool filter plugin for a specific protocol (according to its Proto.hash). The protocol must be Kathmandu or older.

val register_rpc : (module RPC) -> unit

Registers a RPC plug-in for a specific protocol

val register_metrics : (module METRICS) -> unit

Register a metrics plugin module

Looks for a mempool filter plug-in for a specific protocol.

val find_rpc : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t -> (module RPC) option

Looks for an rpc plug-in for a specific protocol.

val find_metrics : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t -> (module METRICS) option

Looks for a metrics plugin module for a specific protocol

val safe_find_metrics : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Protocol_hash.t -> (module METRICS) Lwt.t

Same as find_metrics but returns Undefined_metrics_plugin if not found


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