package tezos-shell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type config
val config_encoding : config Data_encoding.t
val default_config : config
type state

Internal state of the prevalidator filter

val init : config -> ?validation_state:Proto.validation_state -> predecessor:Tezos_base.Block_header.t -> unit -> (state, Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error list) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

init config ?validation_state ~predecessor is called once when a prevalidator starts.

val on_flush : config -> state -> ?validation_state:Proto.validation_state -> predecessor:Tezos_base.Block_header.t -> unit -> (state, Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error list) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

on_flush config state ?validation_state ~predecessor is called when a flush in the prevalidator is triggered. It resets part of the state.

val remove : filter_state:state -> Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t -> state

remove ~filter_state oph removes the operation manager linked to oph from the state of the filter

val precheck : config -> filter_state:state -> validation_state:Proto.validation_state -> Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t -> Proto.operation -> nb_successful_prechecks:int -> [ `Passed_precheck of state * [ `No_replace | `Replace of Tezos_crypto.Operation_hash.t * Prevalidator_classification.error_classification ] | `Undecided | Prevalidator_classification.error_classification ] Lwt.t

precheck config ~filter_state ~validation_state oph op ~nb_successful_prechecks should be used to decide whether an operation can be gossiped to the network without executing it. This is a wrapper around Proto.precheck_manager and Proto.check_signature. This function hereby has a similar return type.

Returns `Passed_precheck `No_replace if the operation was successfully prechecked. In case the operation is successfully prechecked but replaces an already prechecked operation old_oph, the result `Passed_precheck (`Replace (old_oph, clasification)) is returned, where classification is the new classifiation of the replaced operation. If the function returns `Undecided it means that apply_operation should be called.

This function takes a state as parameter and returns it updated if the operation has been prechecked. It also takes an under-approximation nb_successful_prechecks of the number of times the given operation has been successfully prechecked.

val pre_filter : config -> filter_state:state -> ?validation_state_before:Proto.validation_state -> Proto.operation -> [ `Passed_prefilter of Prevalidator_pending_operations.priority | Prevalidator_classification.error_classification ] Lwt.t

pre_filter config ~filter_state ?validation_state_before operation_data is called on arrival of an operation and after a flush of the prevalidator. This function calls the pre_filter in the protocol plugin and returns `Passed_prefilter priority if no error occurs during checking of the operation_data, where priority is the priority computed by the protocol filter plug-in. More tests are done using the filter_state. We classify an operation that passes the prefilter as `Passed_prefilter since we do not know yet if the operation is applicable or not. If an error occurs during the checks, this function returns an error corresponding to the kind of the error returned by the protocol.

val post_filter : config -> filter_state:state -> validation_state_before:Proto.validation_state -> validation_state_after:Proto.validation_state -> (Proto.operation * Proto.operation_receipt) -> [ `Passed_postfilter of state | `Refused of Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error list ] Lwt.t

post_filter config ~filter_state ~validation_state_before ~validation_state_after (operation_data, operation_receipt) is called after a call to Prevalidation.apply_operation in the prevalidator, on operations that did not fail. It returns `Passed_postfilter if the operation passes the filter. It returns `Refused otherwise. This function both takes a filter_state as parameter and returns a filter_state, because it can update it while executing.


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