package tezos-proxy

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Code related to the light mode that is protocol-independent. See src/proto_*/lib_client/ files for protocol-dependent code.

type sources_config = private {
  1. min_agreement : float;

    A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive), representing the minimum ratio of endpoints that must agree on data for said data to be accepted. 1 means "require all enpoints to agree" (the default).

  2. uris : Uri.t list;

    The list of endpoint URIs used for Light mode consensus. This list must contain at least 2 endpoints (one for data retrieval, one for check).


See mk_sources_config smart constructor to build values.

type sources = private {
  1. min_agreement : float;

    A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive), representing the minimum ratio of endpoints that must agree on data for said data to be accepted. 1 means "require all enpoints to agree" (the default).

  2. endpoints : (Uri.t * Tezos_rpc.RPC_context.simple) list;

    The list of endpoint URIs used for Light mode consensus. This list must contain at least 2 endpoints (one for data retrieval, one for check).


See sources_config_to_sources to build values.

val mk_sources_config : min_agreement:float -> uris:Uri.t list -> (sources_config, string) Stdlib.result

sources_config smart constructor: checks that passed values fulfill the required invariants, return Error otherwise. See sources_config for documentation of these invariants.

val destruct_sources_config : Data_encoding.json -> (sources_config, string) Stdlib.result

Ad-hoc type safe JSON parsing function until json-data-encoding library provides a result-returning alternative.

val sources_config_to_sources : (Uri.t -> Tezos_rpc.RPC_context.simple) -> sources_config -> sources

sources_config_to_sources f config transforms the value config (which was obtained by parsing the CLI) into a value used by core algorithms of the light mode.

None if the given block is symbolic, otherwise its concrete hash.


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