package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Functions on stake and depending on the context.

Apply the delegation_over_baking and staking_over_baking limits of a delegate. Overstaked tez count as delegated, overdelegated tez do not count at all.

val staking_weight : Raw_context.t -> Stake_repr.t -> int64

The weight of a staker or a set of stakers. When adaptive issuance is active, the delegated tez weight edge_of_staking_over_delegation less than frozen ones. Since this function is applied on a Stake_repr.t, the limits should already have been applied using apply_limits if necessary.

The weight of a delegate used for voting rights.

The weight of a baker used for baking and attesting rights.

val compare : Raw_context.t -> Stake_repr.t -> Stake_repr.t -> int

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