package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module _ : sig ... end


type ('content, 'ptr) cell

A cell in the skip list carrying a given 'content and back pointers of type 'ptr.

val equal : ('content -> 'content -> bool) -> ('ptr -> 'ptr -> bool) -> ('content, 'ptr) cell -> ('content, 'ptr) cell -> bool
val index : (_, _) cell -> int

index cell returns the position of cell in the sequence.

val content : ('content, 'ptr) cell -> 'content

content cell is the content carried by the cell.

val back_pointer : ('content, 'ptr) cell -> int -> 'ptr option

back_pointer cell i returns Some ptr if ptr is the i-th back pointer of cell. Returns None if the cell contains less than i + 1 back pointers.

val back_pointers : ('content, 'ptr) cell -> 'ptr list

back_pointers cell returns the back pointers of cell.

val genesis : 'content -> ('content, 'ptr) cell

genesis content is the first cell of a skip list. It has no back pointers.

val next : prev_cell:('content, 'ptr) cell -> prev_cell_ptr:'ptr -> 'content -> ('content, 'ptr) cell

next ~prev_cell ~prev_cell_ptr content creates a new cell that carries some content, that follows prev_cell.

val back_path : deref:('ptr -> ('content, 'ptr) cell option) -> cell_ptr:'ptr -> target_index:int -> 'ptr list option

back_path ~deref ~cell_ptr ~target_index returns Some path where path is a sequence of back pointers to traverse to go from cell_ptr to the cell at position target_index in the sequence denoted by (deref, cell_ptr).

val valid_back_path : equal_ptr:('ptr -> 'ptr -> bool) -> deref:('ptr -> ('content, 'ptr) cell option) -> cell_ptr:'ptr -> target_ptr:'ptr -> 'ptr list -> bool

valid_back_path ~equal_ptr ~deref ~cell_ptr ~target_ptr path returns true iff path is a valid and minimal path from cell_ptr to target_ptr in the skip list denoted by (deref, cell_ptr).


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